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ÜOUNCIL CHAMBER, f Ann Arbor, November lat, 1897. f Regular seasion. . Called to order by Prea. Luick. Koll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Sweet, Coon. PBTITIONS AND eOMMTXNICATIONS. A petition signed by D. F. Allmen. dlnger and six others asking for a biick OBBwalk across First st. on the south side of Washington was read and ref erred to the Sidewalk Committee. The bids of S. A. Kean and Ann Arbor Savings Bank for bondi in bewer District No. 7 were read and referred to the Finance Committee. New York, üctober 16, 1897. To the Mavor and Common Council: At the tlrst National Convention or Mayors and Councilmen, held at Columbus, Ohio, September 28 te October 1, there were present 418 deieeates, representing 101 cities in 23 different states. At this convention a permanent organization was formedto be knowu as the League of American Municipalities, and a copy of the constitution adopted is sent herewitn. Y ou will observe trom the constitution that the object of the organization is to improve the administration of municipal work in all departments by the followingmeans: First- The perpetuation of tue orjranization as an agency for the co-operation of American municipalities in the practical study of all questions pertaining to municipal administration. Second- The holding of annual conventions for the discussion of contemporaneous municipal affairs. Third - The estaDiisumeut auu mmteuance of a central Bureau of Information for the collection, compllation and dissemination of statistics, reports and all kinds of information relative to municipal governineut. The Bureau of Information, wnicu will be started at once, will furnish a Bervice of incalculable valué to rnunicipalities holding membership. lo this Bureau each municipality will furnish ah published public reports, and thus a complete and reliable library of municipal reports will be established, from vhich the secretary is required to f urnish all inforuaatiou requested by mmbers. The Bureau will ulso gatlier, compite and dissemiuate special informatiou pertainiug to all lmes of municipal work, such as street lichting, paving, water supply and rates, water ültration, street cleaning and garbage disposal, Üre and pólice departmeins, salaries and wages of municipal officials and employés, taxes and special assessmenls, municipal financti, sewerage, aud, in fact, everything of interest and value to city oihcials in tbe discharge of their duties. In this conuection the Bureau will undertake to promptly supply municipalities holding membership special r sports ou auy and all subjects upon which information is requesiea. auö establishment of this Bureau will bring lo the service of the municipalities of Americe a reliable, economical, ruethodical and rapid medium for the iuterchange of statistics, experlence and knowledge pertaining to all branches qí municipal work. At the annual conventiona of the iague, to which every city ia entitled to send its mayor and as many members oí its councilmanic board as it desires, all the important questions iuvolved in municipal work will be discussed by experts and officials of experience. ïhese discussions cannot fail to aid city officials in Ibe work of giving and securing better municipal service. The means furnished by this League, through its Bureau of Information and Hs annual conventions, for the careful study of the great and growing question of municipal ownership of public service industries, canuot be lightly estimated. The unanimous sentiment of the Columbus convention, which was a representative body and which planntd and formed the permanent organization, was that the League of Amercan Municipalities would be proinptly nd cordiallv supported by the patriotie officials of American mvnicipalities as a movement for the bettertnent of muuicipal couditions, with the inevitable resulta of facilitating departmental work, securing improved public services and lessemng the burden of the taxpayers. As to the inembership the constitution of the League says: Any municipality in the United States or Canada may become a ber of this organization. "Each and every municipality becoming a member of this organization staall pay an animal membership fee, on or before December 1, as follows: Cities under 25,000 population. 820; between 25,000 and 50.000, f30; between 60,000 and 100,000, $40; between J00.000 and 200,000, $50; over 200,000, $60.'' The Execuüve Conamittee invites your city to become a member of the League of American Municipallties and assures you that the benefits to be derived.from membership will be worth many times the amount of the animal dues. The committee submits herewlth a resolution for the consideration of your councümanic body ana prays tor lts adoption, or the passage of any other form, suitable to local couditions, or the same purpose. Respectfully yours, John MaoVicaii, Mayor, Des Moines, Ia.. C. A. Collier, Mayor, Atlanta, Ga., Samuel L. Black, Mayor, Columbus, O., John Wakker, Mayor, Peoría, 111., F. A. Walker, Pres. Council, Trenton, N. J., C. M. Leitch, Pres. Council, Wilmington, Del., B. F. Gilkiso.n-, Secretary, New York, Executive Committee, Aid. Soule moved that the subject be referred to a Special Committee, Adopted. Pres. Luick appointed Aid. Soule, Brown and Hamilton aa such Special Committee. KEPOUTS OF STANDING COMXITTEE8. Hum Tour Committee on Finance would respectf ully report that they have had the following bilis under conijideration and would reeommend their approval and that warrants be ordered drawn in payment of the same. Bespectfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Harrison Boule, Michael Grossman, Committee on Finance. CONTINGENT FÜND. Olen V. Mills, salary g 34 Patrlck O'Hearn " J o. Kdward L. Seyler.salary Thos. D. Kearney, salary UU Dr D. M.Cowle, salar j " "X Kil W. Moore, sulury " L. Dr. John Kapp, salaiy Si w H. B. Dodley, salary g Mru.C. A. Greene, rent -5 M. E. Kasterle, lanltor i. Geo. F. Key.salary 'jï JX Jacob Polhemus, apiinkllng "" Sid W. Millard. ----- " Ann Arbor Savlnss Bank, accts. ag gj Ann Arbor Beglster, priniinsr " Klohmond & Backus Co Btauips W Charles Van Keuren, binders American Express o., ex pros 5? Geo. W. Seybold. anchor...-. ' Aun Arbor Blectrlc Co., Hjilitlnif 3,S I Glen V. Mills, acot. asslni)!l J' i Ann Arbor Argus, pilntlQï- L w w Wfitmore. supDlles - ' Farmers & Meclmulcs llunk, accts. _ QrreMóorv;;oaVaofvview:::::: b F. M. Hamilton, "' M J John Koen, „ u oo Mlcuael Groesman, ?.Y. Geo. W. Sweet, " , % YZ Dr. .1. A Dell. Z 3 UU ArthurBrown, „ (() Krank Vandawarker, : VV Geo. Spathel, Jr., :! JJI G. O. Khodü, „ ■ ? Uarrlsou Soule, 5 H. I'. Daufortb, '■ iw Total '-05'i82 SKWEK FBHD- QBNKBAL. Farmers & Mechantes Bank, accts. asslgned ■ la w Total '2 6 DISTRICT NO. 6. Frank Sutherland, labor ..-. 600 B. W.Groves, salary ' w Total 8100 DISTRICT NO. 7. Hutael&Co., estímate t 1"4 37 Total 1"4 37I 267 97 BBIDQE, OÜLVBBT AND CBO8SWALK FDKD. Farmera & Mechantes Bank, aects. assigned ----- 3ÜJ f, Barrelt Mnfjr. Co., pltch -:"" li John Baunigardner. teaming and sup ffi National" sêwer'PÏpeOo.iïrick' f Ann Arbor Kailroad. fretght pj Geo. W. Sweet, supplies ' A. H. Koye, pattern S. Wood & Co., lumber... - " Herman Krapf, labor and supplles...II 5U Ann Arbor Bavlngs Bank, aoct. as4j KochnBrös.Viaböran.i'8uppïie8 36 33 Totbert Lumber Co., supplies __!__ Total 1027 14 STBBET FÜND. Farmers & Mechanlcs Bank, accts. uQtiilrnod r "l G. K. Kelly, stone l " Geo. W. Seybold, supplies W Walker i Co., supplies " Krank Sutuertand, labor J a George H. Flecber, labor -w James Uonegan, repairs Ellls Kstaie, gravel " Daniel J. Ross. salary w Jacob Polhemus, sprinkling w Geo. E. Moore, oil ■ 1 M Total 85052 PÓLICE FUND. ZenasSweet, ealary 75 00 David Collijs, salary WOU Reuben Armbruster, salary ' Georgo Isbell, salary ■■■ "" W John O'Mura, salary Sg U0 Morían, Puhl & Morris, button B 0 W. W. Wetmore. iupplie 1 HO Bailey & Bdmunds, whlstles 1 0 Total a3l 2 FIRB DKPARTMBHT FUND. Fred Slpley. salary 80 00 C. A. Edwardt. salary 5o Oü W. 11. McLaren, salary 50 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 60 00 Albert Wes, salary . J Hugene Wllllam. salary M 00 Herman Kiru, OU Samuel McLaren, salary , Bu 00 Bdwara Hoelíle. salarf 40 Wl Charles Carroll. salary ..„ 30 00 W. I,. Schui.rle, salary J Georee Hoelzle, salary (W Wm.Kettlcli, salary w A. W. Sorg. salary W Ed. Hlll.salary-. 8 00 Mrs. Iteam, washinjf "U Hochrein & Krauss, repairs - Wallcer&Co., repairs ■= W Goodale&Co., bran andoats 14 03 J. E. Harklns, supulles 08 John Poster, repairs Geo. W. Seybold, shoeing.. 10 30 H. J. Urown, supplies 3 ÍW Farmers and Mechantes Bank, acot. assigned 8 00 Total 04 46 POOB FOND. Fred Sipley, salary J0 00 Walker Co., repalring wagon o 10 John Armstrong. flllnR saw o W. 1?. LoUUoln. Brocories 2 18 Ann Arbor Musle Co J 5U F. Itiijalke, erocorles o 00 Davis &8eabolt, rocerles 1 9 Ed. Duffjr, groceries g OU Doty& Felnor, ehoes , OU Fred Sipley, acct. asslgned Fred Hoolzle. mcat 23 Johu Goetï. Jr., grocerles 2 9o JohnGoetz & Son, Kroceries d 66 Goodale Co , wood 5 75 Mrs. Hlllmaü, board o 00 Ambrose Kearney, grooeries 6 00 E. F. MllU & Co., box g Wm. H. Mclutyre, groceries w 9 O'Hara & Boyle, groceries 1 00 Ktnsey & Seabolt. (frocerles " "0 C. lilnsoy, groceries L. Kohde, coal 00 W.F. Stlmson, groeeries r 41 Geo. Spathelf, Jr.,meat 1 0(1 M. P. Vogel, meat Wahr&MUler, boe 1 W Total I'S 82 CEMBTKKY FUND. Farmers and Medíanles Bank, aect. asBigned 12 V Total 1 1U RECAPITULATION. Contlneent Fund 11,058 82 gewer Fund, Keneral $ 12 80 Dist. No. 6 6 00 Uist.No.7 L4B 37 267 97 Bridge, Culvert and CroBSwalk Fuud. 1,087 14 Street Fund 660 52 Pólice Fund 28120 Firemen's Fund 604 40 Hoor Fund U6 82 Oemetery Fund 102 10 Total M.109 03 Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawaiker. Rhodes. Spathelf, Soule, Danfortb, Cady. Pres. Lulck- 13. Nays- None. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance would recommend that the 112,508.25 sewer bonds iñ Lateral Sewer District No. 6, be sold to the Farmers & Mecbanics Bank for face valué and accrued interest plus 9200 premium. Bespectf ully submitted, Arthur Brown, Harrison Soule, M. Grossmann, Committee on Finance. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Bhode8, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. Aid. Sweet entered. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance present the following bilis without recommendation. SBWBH DIBTKICT NO. 5. Ann Arbor Water Co., Sharp & Bchultz contract $111 35 8KWEK DISTRICT NO. (1. Ann Arbor WaterCo., wt)er $13 05 DOG MCENSE FUND. Joe niackbiirn, asstgned Ann ArborSav- jÖ?f!Sh")lMirn,'iisVfsned AnnArbar ing Bank. lB M ltespecUully submttted, Arthnr Brown, t Harrison Soule, M. tírossnmu, Commiltee on Finalice. Alil Cady moveil tliat the bill of the Ann Arbor Water Co. for $13.05 bc allowed froin Sewer District lío. 8. Adouted as follows: ye;ls_Ald. Mooie, Hamilton, Grossmae, Koch, Dell, Sv.eet, Browu, Vandawarlcer, lthodes, Spathelf, feoule, Danfortli, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nay9 - None. Aid. Cady moved the bilis of Jöseph Blackburn be disallowed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown Vandawarker, Rhodes. Spathelf, bouie, Danfortli. Cady, Tres. Luick- 14. Nays- None. At the suggestion of the City Attorney the bill of the Aun Arbor Water Co. fot $111.35 was withdrawn. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance would recommend that the tnnexed drain assessment roll of the Township of Pittsüeld running through the umus of the City of Ann Arbor be approved by this Council and that the City Assessor be liereby instructed to assess against the owners of the property enumerated in said assessment roll the amount of tax so assesseu. Arthur Brown, Harrison Soule, M. Grossman, Committee on Finance. Aid. Cady moved that the report be referred to the City Attomey. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Kocli. Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Khodes, Spathelf. isoule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays- None. ORDINANCE. Chalrman Cady presented an ordinance enütled "An Ordinance Relative to Livery, Feed aud other Barna, whioh was given its third reading by sectlons and placed on its passage. To the Honorable the Common Council: Gentlemen:- Your ordinance committee has asked me for an opinión regarding the validity of an ordinance now before them entitled, "An Ordinance Relativo to Livery, Feed and other Barns." Under the charter the city lias powor to regúlate andábate nuisances. II ít can be shown ttiat a livery stable, or any other buildin? is naaintained in such a manner so as to be injurious to the public healtb, the city through lts board or health may order it cleaned, or they may file a bilí in chancery to abate the nuisance as was done in the Poundry Water Pond case. The weight of authority In this country holds tb at a livery stable is not a nuisance per se, or in itself, thouiih it may become a nuisance if not condacted, kept and used in a proper inanner. In the case of Phillip9 va the city of Denver, 41st Americau State Reports, at page 230, where its charter provisions relative to nuisances are broader than those contained ia our own, the courtsays: "The power conferred is not suüiciently specific or definite to warrant such unrestrained municipal legislation affecting private property. The graDt of power to regálate lawful occupations and business places is certainly not an expresa grant of power to lócate or prescribe the limits of earrying on lawful occupations upon private premises. The grant of power to regúlate and prevent the carrying on of business dangerous or detrimental to public health, and to declare, prevent, orábate nuisances, is not to be construed as vesting the city council with authority to prohibit, at their discret.inn. t,hp. existance of well-constructed, well-regulated, and well-conducted livery gtables." 'Ordinances of the kind in question, tfiough not stiictly criminal, are llighly penal, and cannot, unless free from legal and constitutional objection, bö permitted to predudice the rights and privilge8 of ths citizen in respect to the use and enjoyment of kis private property." The city certainly cannot enforce the ordinance now under consideration fur the reason that it prohiDits the ereotion and maintenance of livery etables in certain blocks and discriminates and for that reason is clearly void. Very respectfully, Tnos. D. Keakney, City Att'y. Whereupon the question was, "áhall this ordinance pass?" Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Sweet, Soule.. Jiays- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Dell, Brown, V andawarker, ïthodes, Spathelf, Danfoith, Cady. Pres. Luick- 10. Cualrman Cady presented aa ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Belative to Bicycles", which was given its first reading by title. Aid. Moore moved that the ordinance be placed on its second reading. Adopted. Whereupoa tho ordinance was given its second reading by sections. Aid Kocb. moved to amend section one by inserting "six" in place of twelve in line three. Lost as follows: Yeas-Aid Koch,Soule,Pres.Luick- -3. Nays- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Svveet, Iirown, Vandawarker, Khodes, Spatheli, Danforth, Cady- 11. LIOHTINQ. To the Common Council: Your Committee 011 Lightlng would recommend that an electric light be ordered placed at the corner of HUI and Lincoln ave, also at the corner of Tappan and Oakland ave and also on Washtenawave midway between South University ave and HUI. And f urther your Committee would recommena tnat tne poie ngnt ai toe corner of Willard and Forest ave be swung across the street, and that the light at the corner of Main and Kingsley streets be moved two feet south, the work to be done at the expense of the New State Telephone Co. Respectfully subniitted, Harrison Soule. G. C. Rhodes, Geo. W. Sweet, Committee on Lighting. Yeas- Aid. Moore, Haaiilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Khodea, Spatlielf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays- None. To tlie Common Coubcil. Your Committee ou Lightiug have made a thorough inspectioti of the eystem oL streot lightiug in uur city and would report that they have found the bame in an extremcly cuudition. The capacity of the plant is far from being suffieient to supply power for the number of lights used. None of the lights have been up to the standard as required by the contract for montbs past. There are 106 are street lamps many of whieh are ou poles 60 feet high. One man is supplied by the Anti Albor Electric Co to lower the lights or cliuab the poles and clean and trim the same besides driving from one light to the other, less than six minutes to each lamp. The actual workings of the lights, and common sense proves this impossible. Your Comtnitteo would recoramend that the Ann Arbor Electric Co. be ordered, within ten days to raise the Standard of tneir lamps to the requirements of the contract, that is "not less than 9.6 amperes of current and from 46 to 50 volts between the car bons . Your Committee would recommend that aa expert be employed to examine the lights from time to time and see that the same conform to the contract. And further tbat a certiücd copy of this resolutions be served on the Ann Arbor Electric Co. And further that no bill be allowed the Ann Arbor Electric Co. until the lights are up to the standai-d. Respectfully 3ubmitted, Harrison Soule, G. C. Rhodes, Geo. W. Sweet. Corainittee on Lighünir. Aid. Dell moved that the bilis be allowed pro rata. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Iiainilton, Dell.- 2. Nays- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker", Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick.- 12. Whereupon the report was adoptea as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandowarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick. - 13. Nays- Aid. Hamilton.- 1. KEl'ORTS OF CITV OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the City Treasurer, Chief of Pólice and Chief of the Fire Department were read and ordered ñled. Ann AEBOE, MlCH., Nov.l, 1897. Thisis to certify Unit E. L. Seyler, Treasurer of the City of Ann Arbor, has on deposit at the Farmers and Mechanics Bank the sumof $18,192.62 (eighteen thousand one hundred ninety-two dollars and sixty-two cents.) H. A. Williams, Teller. V. & M. Bauk. I have on hand certain monies which were received too late to be deposited and included in the above balance, bu they appear on the monthly report. Respectfully, E. L. Seyler, City Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: CITY TREASUKEU'S BEPOBT. Balance on hand, last report 81 0923 oO MONEY EECEIVEP. Oct. 30. To Dis. Xo. 2 Delinquent Tax from Co. Treas. to June 30. '117 $ 46 40 Tax collected Dis. No. 3.. 240 3-1 Dis. No. 3 Delin. Tax from Oo. Treas. lo June 30. 'U7 1T 48 Dis. No. 4 Delin. Tax f rom Co. Treas. to June 30, '97.. 48 92 Tax collected Dis. No. fl.. 9) 84 ■ " " 0.. 09 93 ' " "7.. Ï14 78 2058 B9 $17982 19 DISBDBSEMENTS. OCt. 30. Main sewer. Warrants Pd. 783 0 Labor acct lat sewer No ü 1111 18 1SM 24 Balance on hand IIÍ087 95 BALANCE ON BAND. Vain' sewerfund $8550 78 Main sewer bond iund 3200 00 Labor acc't Dist. No. 1.... 39 90 Tax ' ' 1.... 141 44 Labor ■ " " " ' :;"; Tax " " "2.... 809 159 tór " - :: i " ftll " " '"'t:::: iolo5o 31503 Labor ' " ; 5.... 808 89 Tax " "5.... S754 SI L-.ibor '6.... 6338 78 Tax " " '-6.... 296S06 Delinquent Sewer Tax 14 M Total on band I268S7 M 10860 41 Balance on hand 118087 96 Respect.fully submitted, E. L. 8EYLER, Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand last report (6519 25 mosey BBCBIVKD. Contingent Kund Mills, & V, Llcengeg Í33 00 Cemetery funcl Nulaon Garlngbouse Saleoflots 12 50 Doa H"und Mills, G. V., Llcenses 45 00 Delinquent Tax Fuud Transfer trom Contingent Fuud delluiii'ut tax trom Co. Treas. to Apr.l. '97 HU 'tl Co. Treas. to June 30, '!)7.... iXi 39 Pólice B'und Duffy, J., Fines to Sept. 30, '97 4 03 Sweet, Marshal.Fines to date 19 50 Street Fund Mills, G. V., Stone sold, Sidcwalks 68 80 764 53 Total f7309 78 MONEY DISBUBSKD. Contingent fund ï 1E1 00 Street lund 183(18 Poor fund 101 18 Bridge, Culvert and CrosswaVkfund 603 0(1 Pólice fund 28S 00 Firemen's fund 540 24 City Cemetory fund HIK) Uucollected City Tax 10 99 5097 96 5097 911 Total 2211 82 BALANCE ON HAND Contingent fund S t90 4S Street fund 4o33 24 Poor fund 2538 68 Bridge, Oulvert, and Crosswalk f nnd 111)36 Pólice fund 181 2 Plremen'i fund 5627 4 City Cemetery fund 158 45 Wal ( r f uud 4667 40 Dog Tax fund 240 (K) Unlvorslty Aid Bond Fund. 3120 (0 Delinquent Tax Fund 1028 12 üneoSected City Tax 10556 08 State Dog Tax ÜÍ_1L_ 119444 IK 17283 80 17832 80 Balance Í2311 82 Oct. 31,1897. Respeetfully submitted, E. L. Seylbr, City Treasurur. I RE8OLUTI0NS. By Aid. Brown. Resolved that the City Englneer be directed to file with the City Clerk an estímate forcompleted work in 8ewer i Dis. No. 6, and that the City Clerk be , ordered by ttala Council to draw a] warrant payable to Schneider Bros. from Sewer Fund No. (i for the amount ] of the estímate. , Adopted as follows: Yeas-i-Ald. Mooie, llamilton, Grossnian. Kocli. Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Bhode, Bpathelf, Soule, Danforth.Cady fres. Luidt- 14. Nays - None. Aid'. Brown moved that the Board of Public Works be directed to lrameditttely complete tha work on aidewalks and crosswalks ordered on Detroit St. between División and Carey streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hiimilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vaudawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nava- None. Aid. Koch moved that the subject oí telephone polo near tho corner of Vshley and Washington strcets ba reerred to the Street Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grnssraan, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawurker, llhodes, Spatliclf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- U Nays - jSÍone. By Aid. Danforth. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be diteoled to clean out the stone culverfc at the corner of Hil) and División streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell. Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danfot-th. Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays - jSono. Aid. moved "that the subject of the opening of Ann street be reíerred to Kearney and Key. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman. Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown.Vandawarker, llhodes. Spathelf, Soule, üanfortb, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays- None. On motion the Council adjovirned.


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