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LTo insuro lnscrtlon our Cortespondents ghould mail thelr items ao1 later than Tueslay a. m. of each week. lf sent Later thuy uva ltkely to becrowdeilout.l MIL.AN. It ba3 rained for tho last three days. Suleeba, the Armenian, gave au in;eresting leeture at the M. E. chureh, [onday evening on the religions of 'urkey. He left for Adrián, ïuesday. Mrs. Dan Throop has returned from ïer Detroit 'visit. Mrs. Whitmarsh ha3 returned from her visit at Inkster. Dr. Turner lead the [meeting ist the M. E. church Sunday evening-. Mrs. Chas. Gauntlette has returned from her Ann Arbor sojöarn. Rev. J. M. McGregorand family are moving to Vermontville. Mich. Kev. P. O. Jones has returned from his trip abroad. Mrs. McMurry, of Niágara Falls, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Pyle. The Eastern Star ladies were out Hallowe'en in fantastic costume and gave Mrs. Debenhorn a surprise benefit. Dr. Calhoun has returned from his Chicago trip. Mrs. Koester leaves the first of the week for her home in Texas, after a summer visit with Mrs. Koestert pftct ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gauntlett. Mr. Chas. Gauntlett has purebased Mr. Thurlow Blackmer's interest in the grocery firm of Blackmer & Hitchcock. Mr. Geo. Taylor is quite 111. W. E Sprague left for Detroit, Wednesday. A daughler was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Murry, October 17. Attorney G. R. Williams has strawberry blossoms in his garden. Hüw is that for November? Next? Miss Ayrcs spent Sunday in Adrián. The M. E. ladies held their tea social at Mrs. Andersen's. Net proceeds, $13.50 Editor O. E. Hawkins, and family, of Blisstield, were the guests of Milan friends over Sunday. MfflUi Mrs. Lewis Freor is entertainng her brother and nis wife, Mr. and Mrs. VanVlect, from New York. The next Grange meeting will be held at Mr. George Boynton's, next week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gage, of Sylvan, peat part of Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Whittington. Mrs. Whittington, of Sylvan, is spending the week with her son Gcorge. Miss Florence Hammond had a birthday surprise party, last Wednesday. Arl and Estelle Guerin were Anp Arbor,,visitors last Saturday. Mr. Russell Wheelock and Miss OrA Perry will be married at the biide'ii aome Wednesday at J2 o'clock. The Kpworth Leairue will 'ivc u Charaeter social with a New Eugland supper, at the town hall, Friday night, Nov. 2(i. The proceeds 10 be uscd for repairing the church. ANN ARBOli XOWN. George Wuster Í9 still on tbc siuk list. The fall term in Dist.. No. 7, closëd Friday, October 29. F. B. and C. Braun have been painting their bouse. A. G. Bunge, carpenter and buildr, is repairing the school house in DUt. No. 7. Will and John Kapp left for South Dakota, Friduy. Mr, and Mrs. John 4eebare rejoicirfé over the arrival of a son. Wil., LI V Austin Breining and family, f French Landinjr, were visiting at Martin Breining's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bussel anti MrS. Mary Herrick were with Leo Stnith and family of York, last Sunday; Mr. Chas. Hiu-niss, of York. visUed bis sister, Mrs. Martha Alban of Wiilis laat Sunday. Jamas Bunton will commence thresliing ciover thia week, Banton furnlshes the engine and Rob Teil, the huiler. Ed Carroll and Mr. DeLong, of Detroit, and John Carroll, of Ypsilaut.i, spent a day hunting in this vioiuity last week. Miss May Fullington started 'or Ionfa. last Tuesday, tu visit her sister, Mrs. Lucas. JU'lph Bethel, of Alvordtoa, Intl., was visiting nis parents last Sunday. Wm. A. Russell has so'.d hia house and lot, uortli of the M. E. Churoh, to Elijah Darling. Will Derbyshire was quite f-ick last week wilh a earbunole 011 ibe back of his Deck. . . . LUDÍ, Wm. PoUt apd Harry Wallace epent last áujiday In Detroit, golnjg on tneir wheels. Mr. and Mrs. H. ix. Waters o tuined Mr. and Mrs. Burt Nelson, of Üiilem, from Wedr.esday to Sauwday. Mjss Mry Goodriph, of Chelsca, is teaching in'the Sweetlaud distriüC this season, Mr. and Mr. Jed Uornellentertaincd Ralph [Od.vards ui.d Miss Nettie Sniith, of Ann Arbor, last Sunday. Miss Minnie Daniels, aecompanitd by Mr. E. Il, Creesj ard daugtiter Oliva, of Saline, attended services at the Salvation armv last Sunday afternoon, at Ann Arbor, comiujf over y. tlieir wheels. Ths vatioa anny, whie'n held reYiyal meetings at Saline a few weeks ago, made about 40 convorts In áll, and enlistud the sympathies of the oitlzens there. These people mentioned above woro not converta to the army bul were highly ploased vvith the good work done. NORTHFIELD. Mr. Orsen Leiand and Miss Kate Wheelcr were married at the bride's home, Oct. 26. The pleasaut home of Mrs. Frank Ovenshire was the sceue of a happy Latherinr of nearly (iO invited guests Wednesday eveninji, Oct. 2Ï, at seven o'clock, the event boing the marriage of her daughter-, Miss Dora Ovenshire, to Mr. Burt A. Nelson, of Salem. ilI.VNCHlSVl'EK. Albert 'Johnson, of Clinton, spent Sunday here with relativas. Mr. Reinhart and Mr. Aldrich, of Toledo, visited Miss Reinhart on Sunday. VVm. Amspoker and family are moving into tho house reeently vacated by Dr. Ohlin Mr. acd Mrs. Hagaman have been entertaining relatives from the southern part of the state. MÍ68 Kllenore Lehn began teaching the school among Sharon's snort hills, Monday. Mrs. Gondcll and daughter Maude, drove to Clinton Friday. Fred Blosser, who baa been very ill vvith appendioitis, isslowly recovering. Mr. and Mrsr. Goodyear attended the carnival in Grand Rapids, last week. Wm. Burtless' family are now occupying thöir new house 0:1 X. Main-st. Mrs. Palme is visiting relativos in Brookljn. H. L. Root, of Oakley, came here last week and will, in the near future, conduot a jewelry store in this ylllage. Miss Johnson and Miss Taylor, of Bridgewater, called on friends in town Saturday. The Wagner male quartette, of Grand Rapiüs, gave a very p leasing eatertainment at M. E. church Monday evenin?. The gentlemen are all guod singers and were ably assisted by Miss Francés Compton, who showed her ability in the excellent rendering of several beautiful readings. They also gave a Sacred Concert Sunday evening to an appreciative audience. SAÍilNE. Dr. Morton was over from Maoon Thursdfty, the guest of Dr. Sheeder. Otto Schairer came over from Ann Arbor Friday, on business. Burt Wheeler returned from his visït at Cold water, Thursday. Messrs. and Fitzg-erald took in the sights at Ann Arbor Thursday. üeo. Johnson, of Ypsüanti, was in town Friday. Will Seckinger, formerly of this place, now of Clielsea, called Thursday. The junior class of the high school "held a social Friday, which was largely dttended by the scliolars. Several liad their fortunes told, which doubtiess will come true, and will be a, sad ai ah for some of the people. School closed Friöay in order tha1 the teachers miffht vleit the State Normal. General Manag-er Reynolda, of the L. S. & M. S. 11. R., was in town Saturday. Messrs. Henry Lindenschmitt anc Orriu Brigo-6 were Ann Arbor visitors Saturday. Edward Nissly, of Ann Arbor, visited Julius Marien, Friday. A very pleaeant party was given Julius Marión Friday evening. Altho the weather was very bad there vvero about 60 present. AU report the best timo of the season. The Y. P. S. C. E. held thoir regulai business meeting' at Dr. and Mrs. Underkircner'=, Tuesday night. The Young Men's quartette of the Germán eburch were at Dexter, Sun day. STONY (KEEK. Mrs. Anna Uhl spent last week witb ïer sister at Uudson. MissHay, of Ypsilanti, spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Mabel Eedner. Mrs. A. Davis and daughter, who lave been spèndinf,' the summer here, started Friday for her borne m Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Zina Buck, of Ypsilanti, spent Friday with their mother. Mrs. Doss is still sick. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Salismry,Oct. 28, a girl. Mr. and Mr3. Watling, of Ypsilanti, spent Wednesday with S. Davis and 'atnily. Mr. H. P. Thompson and Mr. and SIrs. Alfred Davis started Friday for a visit with friends in New York. A faggot social will be held at Mr. Norman Redner's, Nov. 12. All are iiïvited to come and wear the oldest articles of dress they can procure. They are also requësted to give a history of said articles in the most comic maoner possible. Refreshments will be served. Married at the M . E. parsonage Oct. 28, Mr. Frank Seagle and Miss Dai=y Cülby, both of Stony Ureek. The calicó social at Mrs. Pearson's Friday evejnng was a pleasant alVai1". The rooms were crowded but everyone kept ?ood natured, and the committee should be praised for their good program, their good work and fine supper.


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