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E. A. Hitchcock, the nevv U. S. minister to Kussia, has sailed f rom New York. The duehess of ïeck, cousin of Queen Victoria, died very suddenly at Kichmond, Eng. The Union Knittinff mili at Hudson, N. Y., was destroyed by fire with a loss of 8200,000. Grant Lonfr, while staking cars in the C, H. & D. yards at Lima was hit on the head by a pole which broke and was probably fatally injured. Edward A Sehaleder, the Iowa man who talked of assassinatinjr President McKinley, has been arrested at Chicago and will be examined as to his sanity. President McKinley has appointed Henry S. Pritchett, of Missouri, as superintendent of the coast and geodetic survey, and Gen. Duffield will retire Dec. 1. Gen. Longstreet, of Georgia, the lamous Confedérate officer, has been appointed by the President as commissioner of railroads, vice AVade Hampton, resigned. 2Counterfeit silver dollars of greater vveight and fineness than those turned out'from Uncle Sain's mints are the latest in the counterfeiter's art. St. Louia is the first city to suffer from them. Several bank tellers were fooled by them. The will of the late Geoïge M. Pullman gives the larger portion of his estate to his wife and two daughters, and allows his tvvin boys butg3,000 per year each, owing to their tendency to regard life as one grand round of pleasure and ease. The refusal of the czar and czarina to receive the grand duke of Baden and his duchess, at Darmstadt, for the alleged reason that their dates were all filled, is causing much talk, and the papers pronounce it an insult to the whole Germán nation. Investig-ation shows that the reports of a failure of crops in Ireland and the probability of a terrible famine were but little exaggerated and the British government is being urged to start relief work before tlie people reach the point of actual suffering. The U. S. eruiser Yantic, on her way to Detroit to be tm-ned over to the Michigan Naval Reserves, soon after passing1 Quebeo eóllided with the coastinf steamer La Canadienne, almost cuttiug1 her bovv in two and earrying awav her foremast. No one injured. An ineipient mutiny was avoused at Santander, Spain, by some soldiers who had been ordered to embark for the island of Cuba ref using to go on board the transporta. Althoug-h the men were eventuaily compelled to obey orders, the occurrence has aroused considerable misgiving as to tlie possible behavior of future detachments of Spanish troops ordered to the Cuban war. Capt. Charles Kronliert and seven sailors reached Chicago on the schooner Sheboygan after a terrible experience on Lake Miehig-an. Tbey comprised the crew of the fine schooner F. W. Gifi'ord, which sailed from Escanaba, iron-laden, for Fruitport, but wliich went down at nijrht in a gale. The crew took t,o the boat and were picked up after several hours, by the Sheboygan. Chief of Pólice Kipley, of Chicago, has issued an order discharging froui the force 434 policemen and appointing in their place a liko number of the "star league" Democratie expoliceraen, who had been discharged under the previous Itepublican administration. One notable feature of the order is that the four detectives who did the most conspicuous work on the Luetgert case are discharged. ' Policeman Frederick Smith was shot and killed in the church of the Holy Redeemer, Third street, between Avenues A and B, New York City, by a burglar who was caught robbing the poorbox. ïhe excited populace about to lynch the murderer to a tree when several polieemen arrived and summoned a riot squad of 15 offleers who had all they oould do to tear the villain from them and lock him up. It is believed at Washington that, in view of the great prominence Alaska. has achieved, owing to recent gold discoveries, and the importance of deiinitely fixin tbc boundary line bctwee'n our territory and that of the Dominion of Canada, that the sonate, when it assembles in December, will take early action upoti the treatv pending between (real Britain and the I United Sla:,-.-, tor the survey and mark! i:;ir of the one hnndred and forty-flrst meridian. 'Ibis treaty was sent ti senate al most two years ago. Japan will apply the gold standard 1 to the Tii-y of Formosa "ee.


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