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The Thomas Orchestra

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The Choral Union series will open on November 18, with a concert by the Chicago Orchestra uader Theodore Thomas. There is a natural desire on the part of concert goers to hear different organizations, but it must be remembered that concert orchestras cannot be secured as readily as many suppose. Negotiations with a prominent Eastern Orchestra were in progresa all Bummer, aod it was supposed that the organization would make a Western trip. The trip was given up at the ast moment, causing a great deal of annoyance. Theodore Thomas has this ear the finest orgranization he has had for many seasons and uo apology seums necessary for offering the patrons of the course a concert by one of the tiuest orchestras in the world. The Henschels, who give the second concert, December 10, are without doubt the finest artists in the line of song rehearsals in the world. Mr. Henschel is one of the mo3t versatile musicians of the generation. He plays his own accompaniments- in fact was the first artist to do this. Mrs. Hensohel has aroused the greatest wherever ghe has sung and she is no less the ideal of Vienna and l;;-;in than of London and Boston. For the sake of novelty the third concert, January 14, will present geveral particularly fine ensemble works. among them the Saint Satus Septeue, for piano, trings and trumpet. Mr. Jonas will play u group of solos. The Detroit Pbilharinonic Club, whioli s'erling organization has not been board for several years in Ann Arbor, will il80 give several short numoers. Thle will be a most interesting and novel concert. It may be objscted that a Chambor Concert is not adapted for Univertity Hall. Of course orchestral and choral concerts are more in keeping, but it requires but a slight knowledge of maihematics to see that, with every soat taken, it would be iinpossible to give ten coocerta, each one costir.g considerably more than $1000, with a "star" at the Festival costing anjwhere from $2000 to $2500. 2500 seats at $4 a seat - - providing that eveiy seat ís reserved cannot be made to cover such au expense, so Chamber Concerts are necossary. To meet the wishes of the patrons of the series an effort has been made to eeeure a perfectly satisfactory orcl.estra for the Choral Union Concert, and a Chicago orchestra has been enjíagod at an expense much in excess of that incurred ia former years. Mendelssohn's "St. Paul" will beiven on February 4. The chorus of 300 yoices will of course be the central point of interest. Mr. LouU Campiun, an Englibh bass, who has made dijtlngui6hed successes in his own country and who aas recently come to America, Jias bsen secured. Miss Alice G. Dailey rill smg the soprano solos. The other oio parts will be annouDced shortly. Mareh 11, Mr. Gardner S. Lamson will givo a song recital which wil], uo .doubt, be eojoyable, as Mr. Lamson has bean eminently uccessful in this particular field. The May Festival will ba in every ■way worthy of its predecessors. It is impossible at the present writing to announce details. . It will be seen on referring to the former festivals that ín every instance the expectations bave been more than realized and the University Musical Society guarantees ,that the coming festival will present the greate3t artists avajlable. No one ao íorm an idea of the amouot of labor nacessary to such an undertakiag as giving a series of concerts of the Choral Union Series (which, as Max üruch says, cannot be duplicated in amy townof its size in Geruaany) for the priee. Were it not for tbe fact tb at all the work in connection with the management is done without remunet;oa, the beries would be impossibie. .Reports from outèide indícate that largtr numbers than last year from out of towji may be expected, providiag there is room. The number of tickuts eold up to January 1 will determine whether elïirts can be made to accommodate the lurge clientèle throughout the state.


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