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AN ACCIDENT. Mr. Qnintus Hummel, of 118 Michigan Ave., Detroit, tells a War Story of his own Experience, and the Result. (PYom Detroit News.") Our representativo calicd at US Michigan Avenue, the residence of Mr. Quintus Hummel. "Mr. Hummel is a vetaran of the late war, and received, In the campaign, an injury which has given liim much pain. and suitering sincc. He belonged to a Michigan cavalry regiment and his horse becoming frightenea one day roared up, throwiug hiiii backward. In falling ho Btrnck his spinc on a sharp stone, inflictinff a deep cut over fivc inches long. The injury aüected the kidncys. About two ycars ago the left kidney started to bleed, and has been doing so ever since. Mr. Hummel, in a few pointed sentences, gave OUT representativo the following account : "The accident of my 'wardays' left me in bad shapc; pain ia my back and spine rondered me almost useless, and I was compelled to give up work entirely. I could not turn over in bed without assistance. I have spent hundreda of dollars in various ways trying to lind relief. Physicians have told me my spine was honeycombed for 13 inches. I had given up in despair, never hoping for relief, when. a i friend told me about Doan's Kidney Pilis, and they have done me a workl of good. The pains have disappeared frommy back, and the bleeding of my kidney has almost entirely stopped. I know I,can never be entirely cured, as I would have to be ' a newman,' but Doan's Kidney Pilis have done moro to malte me feel like 'a new man ' than all tho other things I have tried during past years. I have not had any recurrence of the pain or bleeding sinca taking them." Doan's Kidney Pilis for sale by all dealers Price 50 cents, by mail, from Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo aeents for the United States. Remembei the name, Doan's, and take no other. LOUIS ROHDE, -DEALER IN - COAL, WOOD, LIME, - AND- Cements, Land Platter, Drain Tiles, Sewer Pipes -CASH PAID POR- ix IBES, Tït ON, B ONES. Yards Pïear Aun Arbor Kallroad, W Hurón Street. OlUce. 36 E. Uuron-at THB RUG THAT THE M ARBOR FLUFF RUG FACTORY AND STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS is going to give out to its customers can be seon at the FACTORY at 47-49 West Huron Street. HUMPHREYS' No. I Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseasee. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. 1O f Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 w Leuchorrea. No. 14 ' Skin Diseases. No. 15 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 2O " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 8O " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c, or Ö for $1. Dk. Humpheeys' Homeopathic -Iinuai. of Diseases Mailed Feeb. Hnmphreya' Med. Co., 111 William St K . Y. Hear Dem Bells. Der Ringin' All De Time. g OSTERJu MAN Jf BICYCLE The Qreatest Thing on Wheels. Ouly Automatic Blcyele Keil. 'l'ry it anti Créate u Mensailon. Ask your dealsr for it or order from JOSKPHOSTEBJ1A1, OTanayunk, ('IéII.,1, ll,lu. Pa. Kelly'S Pruning Shears, - Jft-0 Fiower üathcrcr and ürape Pieker. '!$ifíh AU in oae simple tooUwhich, unlike KaBp Circulars Free. Pruning Shear Co„ hremont, 0. TXfAMTED-Trustworthy and af.tlve RenlV thüiicn orladles to travo] for Eesponsible estiililUhcd bonse Is Mlchlgun, Mouthly 993.00 umi espeasiB. l'osiiion ,sii[ dy. Keference. Eoclose self addressed stamped envelopo. The Dominion Uompany, Dept. Y Ohlcago. 01 -


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