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Vrobate Order, QTATE OF MICHIGAN, )„„ kJCOÜNTlT OF WA8HTENAW. J At a session of the Probate Court f.rthe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Prohate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Fiidny, tce 5th day of November in tin year one thousand eisht hundred and ninetysovon. Present, II. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. in the Matter of the Estáte of Daniel Weirnl i . deceased. Uu readloa and films tho petitkri duly vorlfled. of Mary Krange praying that the adirinistration c-f said estáte inay be g antecl t) herself or some other suitable pcrson Tliereupon it is ordored. thai Wednt-sday. t he -i li day of December next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petltlon, nrnfthat the hoirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interestcd in said estáte, are required to appe ii' at il session of said (Jonrt, theu to be holdi n at, the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there bp. wby tho prayer of the petitioner should not begrunted. And It is furtlier ordered. that said pet itioner give notice to the persor.s interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petkion. and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be pubiished i" tho Annt AitnoB Kegistf.k. a, newspaper printed and circulated in said county, threa snc essive weeks previous to said day of hearing. H. WIRT NEWKIRK, f A true copy.l Judge o! Probate. P. J. I.1ÍIIMAX. Probato Register. (97) Notlee To Crcdilor. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. I 0 CnCMÏ "V lïiSIITKSAlï. t ■oi i--f K hereiiy given, t hat by an order of the f róbate i oort for the County ol' Washtéuaw. made on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1897, ix mopths f rom that ciato were aliowed for creditors to present thelr claimíi ajrainst the estáte of Eliza Xorth, late of suid county, deceased, ■md thai all creditors of said (leceased air required to present their claims to said Probate Oourt, Probate Offlcein the City of Ann Arbor, for examinaiion and allowance, on or bofore the 5th day of May. uext, and that su ch claims will bo beard before said Oourt, OQ the Bth day oí February and on the rith dav of May,1 next. ai ten o'olQCk in the forenoon of each of saki daya. Dated, Ann Arbor. Noveinbor 5, A. I). ls;)7. II. WÏRT NEWKIRK, :7 Judge of Probate. róbate Order. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, I . ÍO COU.NTY OF WASHTENAW. I At a session of the Probate Court for the County of WaKht-.naw. holden at the Probate Ónice in tho City of Ann Arbor. on Monday, ,v. day of Noveraler, in the year one thousand etghtbundj-ed id nlnety sevi n. Present, Wirt Newkirk,Judge of Probate [n the matter of the estáte of Addie C. Winslow, deceased. Uareadingand Blinjj the petitlon, duly i I, of Kobert Winslow praying that a certain Instrument nowoa flle in th Is Court purporting tobe tho last will and testament of said deceased, may ly admilted to probate . ■■ .t admlnlstratlon of said estáte may mtea to hlmself the executor In said suitable person, ii Is ordered. Th t .Monday. the ixt ai ion n, be asslgned tor I he hearj of ;; Ion, and thai thei law of said de ja .i d. b i, - Interested In s ld e required tu appear at a sessi ■ mri, 1 : ■-. lio !i.i ili'ii at.lho Pro. ia: Uf.rtinthe City of Ann Arti.if. and show ■...!--■ U any i n i, why i ii" prayor of ii etiti met :i. d: And it . . : irtlerori ! i . i -. aid ij tiiion ir gtve Ice I tho ; . ■: ust ou i:i ■ -i " r tate, of the pen. , , . : ie hearing I of. bv cu using u copy of ciil c .ui: in the Ann Arbor Re - . . n -vspi i ted aud ciroulated in said coi n y. weeks ai ' lous to said day of hearing li. WIET NEWKIRK, (A True Copy.) Judae of Probate. P. J. LEHMAN, Probate Register. 7 : LEGAL NOTICESI'robate OrdiT. STATE Ol" MICHIGAN, i CO1TNTY 01 WA8HTÏNAW. f" At u session of the Probate Oonrt fpr the Oountyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probato office in the City oí Aun Arbor. on Saturdiiy, the 23rd day of Öctober, in the year thousand eignt huiidred and ninety-. Beven. Present. II. Wirt NowkirU. Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte oí Robert Fllntoft. deeeased. On readlng and fi 1 Ln r the petition, duly ,of Rosa Flintoft praylng that the administra tion oí said estáte may lio granted U Ii'im'U1 or some other suitabio person. Thereupon Itls nrdored, that Kriday, tho 18 day of November nexi . at ui Q'clock In the forenoon, be assigned for iho hearing of said petition, and thiit, the heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons Enterested In saiii "si;ti'. Are requlred to ippear at a. session of sald Oonrt, toen to lo holden at Probate Office in !'"■ City of A n n Arbor, In said County, and show cause, If anythere be, why the pras pelMon v Bhould not hu granted.A'nd it is further ordèred, tt at Baid petitionei '-ve do. nterested i" said estáte, ld pel II Ion, and the hearing causinga copy of this Order to be pnblished In ÏBt As.v Aunoii REQlsTïR.a newspaper printed and clrcnlatin in said coonty, three BQCCesslve weeks urevious to said day of hearine. II VflBT M'.W'KTKK. (;V tme couv ) .1 udïe of Probate. P.J. CÉHMAÑ, Probate Register. 05 Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OV WAlHrrilWA'W f Atasegston of the Probate Court for the . of Washte law, holden ui Un Probate office In UitiCItyof Ann Arbor.on Wednsday, the 2. th day of Ui'toher. in the year one i :id eight lm idtcd and ntoety-seyen. Present, BTWlrt Sewklrk,Judgeof Probate. In ]v matter of the estute of Christin Benlrich, deceased. On readlng and tilins the petition, duly verlfled, o0. F. 8tin, praylnu that ne may belicensedto sell the Real Estáte whereof said deceased dled slezed, Thereupon it is ordered, i bat Baturday, the iv f Novei bernext. atteno'clock In .renoon, be assignvd for the hearing .:' said pietltlon. and tha1 the seirsail : said deci sed, and all persons Interested In said estáte, are r ouired . ar al ;;■'■- I Court, then to b mille:: at the i'robate office in i the City of Ann Arbor, and shocauae,lf my i be, why the prayer of the netltioner should not be granted. An-i it is further ordered, iliai sald peiltlonor glve notlce to the persons Interestedin said estáte. of the pendency of sald petitlor and thehearlng dbereof, oycausing a copyot tins ordert" be publishedla tlii'ANN Lrbob Kkgistkb. a n.-paper prtntcdand circulated In said county, previous to said da,y of bearlng. Ia rm-EcopY.] .H. WibxNbwkibk, P. J. Lehman, Judgo of Probate Probate Register. (") Probate Ortier lor Heariiiif Areonnts of Executors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, lm O OODHTYOF WA8HTBBAW. f At a session óf the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probateoffice ín the Siiyoi na Arbor.on Tlmrsday, day of November in the year one thousand elghi hundred and ainety-seven. Present, ÉCWlri ifewirk, Judge of Probate In the matter of ' the estáte of Horace Oarpenter, deceased. NewiandO. Carpí nterand Joseph H. Vanee executors of the v. i 1 1 and testament of said deceased. come into court and represent that they are now prepared toirender ;heir final account as sr.rh executors. Thereupon It is ordered, that Friday, theiSScli day -of November next. at ten o'cLock in the forenoon, be assighed for exanjlning ;; nd a llowin such account, and tbat lln-dri legatees and helra at law of said deceased, and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of sald court, theo to be holden afc the Irobato oniff, in t !u; City of Ann Arbor, in said county. and show cause, if any there be, why the sald account shouid nat be alinvcd: and it is further ordered, that sald ezecutors (tiveöótlcetothe persons interested in saiii estáte, of the pendency of said ai and ihc hearing tfiereof, bycanslng acopy Of this order to be pnblished in the .'■n.n Akbob I' i.iiisi . i:, a Dewspaper printed and clrculating in said county. three èuof i weeks previous to said day of hearillfi. [A TRUE COPY.] H. WlRT NEWKIKK. P.J. I.kuman. Judgeof Probate. Probate Register. Du ST.vTK OF MICHIGAN, Tm Circuit Codkt fok the Countyof Washtenaw In Chancery. Geouok Hauciin'. Oomplainant, vs. Lettie Hauobn, Defendant. In. this cause it appearing hxafBdavIt that the di fendant, Leitie HaughaTls not a resident of the State of Michigan and thai she is a resident of the city of Toledo, In the State of Ohlo. Therefore on motion of Frank E. Jones, solicitor for complátnant, ii is ordered ie said defendant enter lier appearance in sald cause on or bef ore four months f rom the date of this order and that within twent] daysthe complainant cause thisorIn tii1 Ann arbob Kkg[stbb : r'nted, published and circuí ited within said county. sa il pabllcar ion i irirur cout imi' d once in each week for six successive weaka. nat. i! ai Ann Arbor, K. D. KINNE. November lst, A. D 1897. Olrcuit Judge. Attest:, Jn.. l lepu y Register. Fbank E. Joma, Solicitor for Oomplalaant. [J9


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Ann Arbor Register