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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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IWEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN' 250,000 CIJREP IN SO YEARS. jgfgCUtfHS GUARAnTËED OR AO PAY! Éfe. $1000 IN GOLD F0R A CASE WE Êl ragfSUHgk y'uuu ' '_._"_" CANNOT CURE OF 1 jÊËr-Z-? SELF-ABUSE, EfUSSIONS, VAKICO-, i 'áffKs. CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STR1CTmmíáimW SH lre aLEET' syphilis, stunted. iárt1 ill PARTS, LOST MANH00D, IMPOTENm E?EÉirME CYi nervous debilitv, unnatI ÍÍAiM ÜRAL DISCHARGES, L,_. i iÉÍÍ Wm The New Met.hoiJ Treatment isthel VSGflipC Greatest Disosry of the Age I aktöubk. FOR CURING THESE DBEASESl Thouaands of young and middle aged men aro annually swept to á premature I ■ grave through EARLY INDISCRBTIONS. EX bSiE, AM) t-LOOD UISEASËS. !(■ M you have any of tho followlng eymptoms consult us before it is too lato. Aré you U ■ vous and woak, deapondent and gloomy, specks before tho eyoa witu dark clrolos under. H thfim, weak back, kidneys irritable, poilpltation of the heart, bashful, dreams and II losses. sediment in urine, pimples on tho face, eyes sunken, hollow c'hoêks, careworn Mexprossion, poor moinory, lifeless, dlstrustful, lack energyand strength, tired mornHings, rostleHs nlghts, changoable moods, weak manhood, stunted organs aud prema-H ture decay, bono pains, halr loose, sore throat etc. ■ r YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS1 ■ OUR NEW METMOD THEATMENT alone can tj cure you, and make a man of you. Undorlts lnfluWBggB59BfltBWf-feüa; ence the braln nocomes active, the blood jiuriüed g! so that all pimples, blotcbes and ulcera díaappcar; . Ijswa the ñervos become strong as ateel, ao that uorvouaKjM SRrTCTnlM -4 ness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; EMmMW the eyoa become bright, the faco full and clear,. NaH wt!H energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical OH 9SÊSSU and sexual syetems are lnvlgoratod; all drafns BBySKgaM cease-no more vital waste f rom the system. The fflBSvS'wfRB varíous organs become natural and manly. You eÜ3b M' ' JT BKyW feel yourself a man and know marrlage cannot be .KnK BBmtH 'VwWbH' afailure. We Invito all the affllcted to consult us BBr, Ji lSwiJS3B confidentlally and froe of charge. Uon't ]t',t quacka. Vs3y!wíE&íiííy E and fakirs rob you of your hard earnud dollars. f. : -J flK KTÍ' ImI ' HHAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? LviPliuS I SYPHILIS Is the moat prevalent and most aorioua &"5FBÍSS:&rSíSefííí I ■ BLOO ) dlneaso. It aap the vory llfo blood of the (íi-iVJ&ÍSfs --!;í3l'tiíi BB victim and uniese entlrelyeradicatod from thesyaKg tem wlll affect the offaprlng. Beware of Slercury. hkeïditabt blood DiSEAflB, Hit only suppresses tho symptoms-our NiiW MEIHOD iXisitlVely cures It tor ever. B YCK Nu OK H)uL,E-AaED MAN- You've led a gay llfo, or lndulgod in the follies ■ Hofyouth. Self-abuso or later escesses have broken down your system. You feel tho H ■ aymptoms sioallni? over you. Mentally, physically and aoxually you aro-not the man ■ H you used to be or Bhould be. Lustf ui practices reap rich harvests, Will you hoed tlie H danger signáis. , ' Mil,, n I Aro youavlctlm? Havo you lost hopo? Aro you contomplatlnj; mrtrriage? I n I tt U l II ! Has your blood boon diseased? Have you any woakness? uur New Method H Treatment will euro you. What it has dono for othora it will do for you. Consultution P Free. N6 matter who has treated you, writo for an honest opinión Free of Óhargfli BI Charges roasonablo. bnuks Free - "The Golden Monitor" (lllustrated), on Diaeasoa oí H Mon. Incloa poetage, 2 conts. Sealed. Book on "Disoasos of Women" Free. á-NO NAlS UStO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. P..IVATE. No medicine sent CO. 0. B No ñames on boxes or envelopes. Everytli nq confidential. Question list and cost of Treat ■ ment, FREE. No. !48 SHELBY ST. DETROlí, MICH. wm t ■ ' .S -


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