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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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urganized 1869, nnder tbe General Banking Law of tlil State. CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $l,OOO,Oöf Business Men,Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons willfind this Bank A Safe and Convenient Place to make Deposite and do Business. Interest ü allowed at the rate of 3 PEli h ', 1 7 " Sc}vm9s Postte of $1.00 and upicards, according to the rules of Uu bank, and interest conipounded semi-annually. - Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. Secured by unincumbered real estáte and other good securities Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. At Ann Arbor. Michigan, at the close of business, May 14th. 1897. KKSOUECES. LIABILITIE8. Losnsand Discount $104 065 78 Capital Stock paid in $ 50,000 oo torks, Boads. and Mort Surplus fund 150 000 00 ! gages, 506 100 17 ün("vided profits lees Cur■ Overdrafu Vu 47 rent exPeuss, Interest Banking house 2O,flÖo 00 n.aid Ta-Xes Pal.d. 15.890 88 Furniture, and Fixtures 7 017 3 Dividend unpald 333 00 OtherReal Estáte m'su fi-i B'"4S B5 DEPOSIT8. CASF. Commercial deposits subject to check % 181,:0O 70 Saving deposits 784,346 33 Duofrom Banks in redlto"?tM üf 11,94007 tSSS&ii aml bankers.: tq ) 1T.C2I ?8-l,081,5eT Tl Checks and cash items. . 616 38 Nickles and Cents 61185 Total nwnio-rj Silver Coin 4,!)00 00 "" Wl,WI,BVlBi USd aCnd Natiënaïbaiik STATK 0f Michigan. Conty oï Washtenaw, ss Notes 34,250 00-$251, 981 27 Chas. E. HiscocK.Cashierof theabovs name solemnly swear tbat the above sta:c ment is truc, to the best of my knowledge anc 1.297,597 (t belief. CHA8. E. HISCOCK.Cashier Correct-Attost: W. D. Harkiman, L. Guünkiï, 1)avii:Rinsev, Directors. Subscribed and sworn tobefore ma Uiis ültli rtuy.of Jtay. 1897. v Michael ,T. Fritz. Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register