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LEGAL NOnCES. SATEpiffoSSS.?" ■ ■- 1 OF WaSBTES iií' ,-■' il BBÈimmm LW) O. F. Strix, Adinipistrator. Notlce To Credllor. OTATE OK MICHIGAN, I kJ.COU.VTY OK WASIITENAW. f SSDated,AnnA,bo,,econefíhA.Di&: UI Judge of Probate. Probate Order. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, I kJCOÜKTY O WABHTH lv ƒ ssAta sesslon of the Probate Conrt for tlip County ,,r Washtenaw, holden at the Pro bate üfflee In the C'itv of Ann Altor oñ tïtday, tbe Stil day of Nov,i,e? in th? vcr .!..■ U.ousand cisht huudred and nhietí rn-sent, II. Wh-t Newkirk, Judse of Prow!;;n;, of the Estáte of Danie! admimsiratlon of said estáte ïïay be gía n - od to herself or somc other suitublc uerson Uu JKt day of December ne.xt. at ten o'clock n tlip forenoon, be asslgncd tir tbe hearini of said peUtlon, and that tbe heirs-at-faw o? id in said estáte, are required to aunear -it, segilon ol said Oourt, tl en to bo holden at lll'robate Office in the City of Ann Aroor, and show cause, i f any there be whv the prayei of the petitioner sliould n di üf Ami ' Is further oi-dered, that sala petitioner sive uotice to the persons interested m said estáte, of the pGndenoy "f said petmon, and the hearing then-of bv pauatag a copy „f thls order & be publishoS in the A.N.v Abiiok Register, anewsDaner printed and circulttted in said "ounty ÓfïeaHn'K.l'S!"Ve WCé)" Previous sa'dday ... H. WIKT NEWKIRK, L l'"j.CL1S11MAN. JudKC ' IrObate Probate liegister. (Ol) VI, AM-KD-Trustwortliy aml active Ken. TT Hemen or ladles to travel tor responajble, establlshod honse In Michigan. Monthly l.r.i [ose solf-adíressed s,tamped onvt-lo.,,Tho Dommlon Oompuny, Liept. Y., Uliicag.,: LOUIS ROHDE, -DEALER IN - GOAL, WOOD, LIME, - AND - Cements, Laad Piasier, Drain Tiles, Sewer Pipes - CASn PAID FOR- hlBES, IRON, BONES. Yar.ln Near Aun Arbor Railroad, V Hurou Street. Office. 36 E. Ilurou-wl THE RUG THAT THE AM ARBOR FLUFF RUG FACTORY AXD STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS is going to give out to its customers can be seen at the FACTORY at 47-49 West Huron Street. A TOASTER That Toasts. Does not dry or burn the = bread. . BAKJES CAKES r-,ed under conimon round cake griddle, will he;it it i'venly and ruake less smndge and smoke. YOU WILL LIKE IT. For Gas, Gasoliue, or Blue Flame Oil Cook Sfo. 50 CENTS. It will please yon. Made by KINNE M'FQ. CO., . . MINN As!; Vour Dealer For It. RINSEY & SEABOLT HO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everything in tha GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime artioles bought for cash and can sell at low figures. Our frequent 'arge invoices of Teas is a sure sign wê ive barg-ains in Quality and Prices. We roast our own cofFees every week always fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the verj best of Bread, Caka nd Crackors. Cali and aee uc


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Ann Arbor Register