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WEM, NERVOUS, DISEASEÖ MEN 250,000 CURED IN 2O YEARS. ACURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I ffÊkaÈ $1000 IN GflLD F0R A case we Pik __ _ CANNOT CURE OF .JtÊrcS SELF-ABUSE, EHISSIONS, VARICOW 'áriK CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STR1CTWm URE QLEET, SYPHIL1S, STUNTED j LjtmVÏ Ij . PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTENi "syitlSRPífM CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, L'NNATI I(1%&mBÉI1 ural dischaqes etc. iïlÉSiiRp The New Method Treatment isthe 1 .VPWHhP Greatest Discovery of the Age AKEKvoswnzcz. FOR CURING THESE DI-SEASESl ■rliousands of young and mlddle aged men are annually swopt to a premature ■ ■ grove through EARLY INDISCRfcJTIÜNS, EX-HSSES, AND BLOOD D1SEASES. Itm y,i you have any oí the following symptorus consult ua nofore it la too late. Are you B y voub and weak. duapondent and gloomy, specks before the eyea with dark circles under ■ jathem, weak tiack, kldneys Irritable, palpltatlon oí tho heart, baahful, dreams and ■ BE losaes, Bdlment in urine, pimplos on the face, oyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ■ BexproBsiiin, ioor raemnry, Ufeless, dlstruatiul, lack energy and Btrength, tlred mornHlnys, reftUoaa olghts. changeable moods, weak manhood, stunted organs and preiaotí turo decay, bono palns, liair loóse, Bore throat etc. YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS I E OIR NEW A'.ETHOD THEATMENT alone can EB curo you, and mako a man of you. ünderits H3SF3!t580?3!5&Fm-_ Bence the bruin bocomes active, tho blood purlfled SDR 3 so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; jM the norvea bocome strong as steel, ao that neryousRj noes, bashfulneas and dospondency diaappoar; ■ H the eyeg become bright, tho face full and clear, líst-'' s H onergy returns to tho body, and the moral, physlcal ■ '' Ss? Band sexual systems aro lnvlgoratod; all dralns Hccase-no more vital waste from the system. The H varloua organs become natural and manly. You Et jfeTvHflYl ■ feelyourself a man and know marriage cannot bo ' ?5", ' 'k ■ afailure. Wo ln%ito all the aflïlctod to consult us BB I i' E i ' ' - , -i"'-ta I B cfjnñdentíally and freo oí charge. Don't lot quacks BSMBBtttv'BBBl F 11 and fakirs rob you of your hard oarned dollars. ï-j ■ HAS YOUR I5L00Ü BEEN DISEASEDJ f-O I SYPHIUSis tho most prevalent and most serlous jjTx --iBáPl ■ BLOOJ dlscase. It eaps the very llfe blood of tho j.ji.k;&), ""BJJTOsHl Sviotlm and únicas ontlrelyeradlcated frora the sys"-= ■ tem will affect tho offspring. Beware of Morcury. hkbeditaby dlood eiskase. ■ It only suppresses tlio eymptoms-our NKW MEI HOD positively cures it for ever. VOüNU OR MIDüHi-AQED MAN- You've led a gay life, or induUed in the folliosB ■Jofyouth. 8elf-abuse or lator exceasea have broken down your system. You foei tho B B symptoms atoaling over you. Mentally, physically and sexually you aro not the man H W you usod to bo or should be. Luatf ui practices reap rich harvests. Will youheodthoH Q dangor sígnale. 1 Rt R I AroyouaTllt'ni? Have you lost hope? Are you contomplattng m,irrtnge?B ■ iilHUi II ! Uaa your blood beondlaeased? Have you any weakness? uur Now Muthod H B Troatmont will euro you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultatiun H ■ Frec. Ko matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinión I'ree of Charge. H H Charges roasonable. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" (tllustratod), on Dlseasoa oí fí ■ Men. Incloso postagn, 2 conto. Sealod. Book on "Disoasos of Womcn" Froo ■ 2-N0 NAMESUSEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PBIVATE. No medicas sjnl C.0 D.B ■ No ñames on boxes orenvelopes. Everything confidentlal. Question Hst ar.d cost et Treat-B ■J ment, FREE. No. 148 SHELBY ST .1 DETROlí', MICH.


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