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Dr. John F. Shepard Drops A Financial Contribution For The Ann Arbor League Of Women Voters Into A Mailbox, September 1962

Dr. John F. Shepard Drops A Financial Contribution For The Ann Arbor League Of Women Voters Into A Mailbox, September 1962 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 12, 1962
AVID LEAGUE SUPPORTER: Mrs. Carl Johnson, finance chairman of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters, smiles with approval as Dr. John F. Shepard of Oakland Ave., professor emeritus of psychology at the U-M, is first in line with his contribution for the League's annual finance drive, which gets under way officially Sept. 17. Supporters of the League's nonpartisan work in national, state and local government are being asked to donate $3,500 this year.

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