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"No, wait that’s not what I said"

but you continue to point a gun at my head. 


Please no you must be mistaken

I don’t want to be another life taken.


The lives lost continue to grow, 

but they never air on your T.V shows.


We are only kids, not even adolescents 

"Stop, please, I wish to live in the present." 


No one hears us cry,

while time continues to fly,

but know that I’m not ready for a  final goodbye.


Is my life not valued because of my hue?

Because the last time I checked I bleed red like you.


 Yes, I am Black but that's not how I am to be defined.

"I’m telling you officer I did not do the crime."


My people are hurting and suffering from all this brutality 

but being Black in America this is our reality.


If you believe that this is not right,  

please join me in this unfair fight.