Pittsfield Village School No. 2 Students Line Up for Parade, May 1950

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 9, 1950
PARADE OF PITTSFIELD YOUNGSTERS HERALDS CARNIVAL: Students at Pittsfield School No. 2 dressed in colorful costumes yesterday afternoon and paraded through Pittsfield Village to advertise the gala carnival which will be held at their school Friday night. Proceeds from the carnival will be used to improve the school's playground. The youngsters planned to parade through other parts of the village and East Ann Arbor today, Wednesday and Thursday. Carnival booths will be sponsored by the youngsters themselves and by their parents. Supper will be served at the school from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday.
Ann Arbor News, May 9, 1950
PARADE OF PITTSFIELD YOUNGSTERS HERALDS CARNIVAL: Students at Pittsfield School No. 2 dressed in colorful costumes yesterday afternoon and paraded through Pittsfield Village to advertise the gala carnival which will be held at their school Friday night. Proceeds from the carnival will be used to improve the school's playground. The youngsters planned to parade through other parts of the village and East Ann Arbor today, Wednesday and Thursday. Carnival booths will be sponsored by the youngsters themselves and by their parents. Supper will be served at the school from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday.
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