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Keep Your Hands Off Future Boy!

Everybody’s looking for engrossing things to do. Fortunately, this badge will introduce you to not one but two amazing Anime series, one brand new, and one quite old. Follow the first clue below to get started, and don't hesitate to click the hints if you're stuck!

Where to enter your answers? Just open a tab onto your player page under the quick links at or go directly there at

Note: While you won't need to actually watch any videos to complete this badge, you can watch Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! for free on Crunchyroll. And by the time you've completed this badge, you'll have found 30+ full episodes of two great shows, all of which you can watch right now, for free. ENJOY!

This badge has been awarded to 1252 players

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So you don't see this first clue on this page? It looks like this: Clue: For your first game code, you need to figure out what Eizouken means! There are several different translations out there; the correct code is three words, 17 letters, no spaces.

Hi Eli,
I tried to solve the first clue but when I tried entering the code, it keeps saying not recognized. I combined the 3 words together, but it goes past 17 letters. If I only type the first 2 words, then that would only make it 10 letters total.

Hi there, be sure to use the search what does eizouken mean, as the hint says, to get the answer box with the right three words. There are a lot of valid translations out there so this search makes sure you're getting the right one. Sorry for such a fussy puzzle!

Me too with the bug where the clues are not showing. On the previous badge, posting a comment made the clues appear, so I am hoping that will work for this badge too.



There was another issue compounding the clues not showing. It's for real fixed this time, everyone!

My Dad and I can NOT see the clues. It says that the clues are right underneath the instructions and stuff, but it just starts with all the comments. it's so confusing!

In reply to by smeelay


Got it

Is it possible that the first clue is no longer correct? When I type that verbatim, I get a 2-word phrase in the box and it's not 17 letters. After some digging, I did find a valid 3-word phrase that is exactly 17 letters with no spaces, but I'm getting "code not recognized". Help?

Hi there, thanks for asking! Yes, Google is no longer returning the same result for that search. Rather than redo the puzzle, I've put what the answer should be in the first hint. That should get you back on track. Thanks again!

Badge Series
Bummer Game Level 2


⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

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