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From 8-bit to Infinity

by garlandz

For over forty years friends and families have been huddling in front of televisions to guide varying pixelated heroes to victory. Pac-Man, Mario, Link, and the like! But why? When dissected into code these heroes are not much more than blocks put together and programmed into motion. What has kept these retro games alive and popular over the years?

To answer, we need to ask ourselves: What was my first video game? What made it so fun? Who was I with? What was I going through at the time? These questions may very well draw out the answer. Sometimes we cling to a character we can relate to or one we can cheer for. Other times we need a place we can escape to from the affairs of life. Whether the game helped us burn through a boring afternoon or helped us make friends or helped us feel strong against a bully! Anyone who has picked up a gaming controller undoubtedly has their own story to tell. Let's keep these nostalgic memories alive by appreciating the little moments, or the pixels of life we can call them. Don't stop making memories. Here are some wonderful materials the library has to kindle such memories and experiences:

Playing With Super Power : : Super NES Classics

Playing With Super Power : : Super NES Classics

Art of Atari

Art of Atari

The art of Video Games : : From Pac-Man to Mass Effect

The art of Video Games : : From Pac-Man to Mass Effect

Koji Kondo's Super Mario Bros. Soundtrack

Koji Kondo's Super Mario Bros. Soundtrack

The Game Console : : a Photographic History From Xbox to Atari

The Game Console : : a Photographic History From Xbox to Atari

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