John Alexander, Joan Morgan, and Scott McKay in "Born Yesterday" during Ann Arbor Drama Season, May 1950

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 22, 1950
'Born Yesterday' Stars: In this scene from "Born Yesterday," Drama Season production which opens tonight at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Junk King Harry Brock (played by John Alexander, left) is dubious about the rapid political education his "protege" Billie Dawn (Joan Morgan) is acquiring. He has placed her under the tutelage of a liberal young reporter (Scott McKay, right) so she won't be a liability as he seeks more political influence in Washington.
Ann Arbor News, May 22, 1950
'Born Yesterday' Stars: In this scene from "Born Yesterday," Drama Season production which opens tonight at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Junk King Harry Brock (played by John Alexander, left) is dubious about the rapid political education his "protege" Billie Dawn (Joan Morgan) is acquiring. He has placed her under the tutelage of a liberal young reporter (Scott McKay, right) so she won't be a liability as he seeks more political influence in Washington.
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