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I Love Yarn Day

by potterbee


image of an eye plus words, love yarn dayThe 10th anniversary of I Love Yarn Day is October 10, 2020!  This is an international movement dedicated to spreading the love of yarn and to celebrate with crafting of all types. In the past, celebrations have been in-person and virtual by sharing over social media platforms.  

Why do we love yarn?  As lovers of yarn know, working with fibers is highly beneficial for mental health and can be a great way to socialize. Studies have shown results for improved stress management and increases in self-confidence from spending time with fiber crafts.

Looking for ways to celebrate?  Below is a list of some of the recent programming offered on AADL.TV! to help you get started with pompoms, weaving, finger knitting, or even learning to crochet!  You can also visit the Craft Yarn Council website for more information about their partnership with the Sweet Tooth Hotel in Dallas, TX, in bringing the fiber fairy tale installation, “Intangible” to life.

Not feeling crafty? Click here for a list of yarn related selections from the collection.

Past AADL.TV! events on youtube:

Jellyfish Friendship Bracelets

Finger Knitting

Crochet Basic Stitches

Pompom 101

Star Weaving

Cardboard Loom weaving

Graphic for blog posts

Blog Post
