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Dian Littell - Ann Arbor High School Homecoming Queen & Her Court, October 1956

Dian Littell - Ann Arbor High School Homecoming Queen & Her Court, October 1956 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 13, 1956
HOMECOMING QUEEN: Senior Dian M. Littell, 17, of 909 Hutchins Ave., (center) was named Ann Arbor High School's homecoming queen at last night's Ann Arbor-Battle Creek football game. She will be crowned at the high school's homecoming dance at 9 p.m. today at given a football signed by varsity players. Her court (left to right) are Carol Steinke, Janet Everhardus, Mary Meadows, Linda Potter, Judy Fingerle and Sue Bigby.

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