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What's Your Secret Recipe

Tired of cooking the same meals over and over? Have a recipe you can't get enough of? Somewhere in-between? COME TO RECIPE SHARE! 

Attend this virtual meet-up to share and discuss your favorite recipes following the theme for the day. Participants can email their recipes to to later receive a compilation of the recipes discussed at the event.

January 6: Soup (Click here for event information)

January 20: Dips and Appetizers (Click here for event information)

February 3: Sheet Pan Meals (Click here for event information)

February 17: Breakfast (Click here for event information)

March 3: Dessert (Click here for event information)

Only one event needs to be attended to earn this badge. 

This badge has been awarded to 578 players

Sign in to see clues and check your progress on this badge

Badge Series
Winter Game's Do


⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

Badge Points

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