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Vern Lyman Fox

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DEXTER - Vern Lyman Fox, 57, a disabled World War I veteran, died Saturday afternoon at his home, 2537 Baker St. He had been ill about six months.

Mr. Fox was born Mar. 23, 1889, in Dunlap, Ia., a son of Clara and Frank Fox. Surviving besides his wife, Emily, are the father, living in Dexter; a daughter, Miss LuVerne Fox, and a son, Dale Lyman Fox, both of Ann Arbor; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Violet Fox of Dexter; a stepson, Raymond Mericle of Ann Arbor; six sisters, Mrs. May Mueller and Mrs. Vera Wagner of Ann Arbor, Mrs. Dorothy Steers of Lansing, and Mrs. Jessie Bergren, Mrs. Margaret Delvin and Mrs. Nellie Sadler of Dexter; seven brothers, Everett, Howard and Donald of Ann Arbor, Clarence of Ypsilanti, and Roger, Kenneth and George of Fort Dodge, Ia.; five grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Carl Keehn funeral home. Rev. A. A. Schoen officiating. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home.