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Secret Lab Online: Making Art with Code


Tuesday February 9, 2021: 5:45pm to 7:00pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar




Join library staff in a non-recorded Zoom meeting to learn how to make art with a computer. No prior coding knowledge is necessary but to get the most of this you will need a computer (Raspberry Pi, Mac, or Windows). We will go through several designs using the language Processing and learn how to randomize artwork to create startling new patterns every time you run your code.

If you don't have Processing already installed on your computer, don't worry! The Zoom meeting will be open early at 5:45 for anyone who would like some help getting Processing up and running on their computer.

Zoom link will be posted an hour before the program starts.


This event was held live on Zoom, and has concluded.


art of concentric rings


Click here to install Processing on a PC or Mac.

Terminal command to install Processing on a Raspberry Pi:
$ curl | sudo sh

Getting started with Processing:
size(800, 600);
//a single background value gives a grayscale, 3 values give an RGB color

Adding simple shapes:
(Remember! Placeholders "x", "y", "width", and "height" should be replaced with real numbers.)
ellipse(x,y,width,height); //x,y is center point
triangle(x,y,x,y,x,y); //x,y identifies corners
rect(x,y,width,height); //x,y is upper L corner

How to make the image above:
size(400, 400);
colorMode(HSB);// choose a random background color using Hue, Saturation and Brightness
background(random(255), random(50, 100), random(50, 100));
stroke(255, 100);
float i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
ellipse(100 + i*2, 100 + i*2, 100+i, 100-i*2);
i = i + 1;

Lots more on Processing can be found here.

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