Charter Night Planned for new Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti, July 1959
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 9, 1959
CHARTER NIGHT PLANNED: Officials of the new Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti met last night ot plan the organization's charter night banquet Aug. 27. The new group, which meets Thursday nights, was organized by the Ypsilanti Kiwanis Club, which holds its meetings at noon on Mondays. Going over plans for the chartering affair are (seated) Harold D. Beadle (left) of the "luncheon" Kiwanis Club and Edwin E. Ensign, first president of the new organization. Standing is Charles M Getson, jr., chairman of the charter banquet arrangements for the "dinner" Kiwanians.
Ann Arbor News, July 9, 1959
CHARTER NIGHT PLANNED: Officials of the new Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti met last night ot plan the organization's charter night banquet Aug. 27. The new group, which meets Thursday nights, was organized by the Ypsilanti Kiwanis Club, which holds its meetings at noon on Mondays. Going over plans for the chartering affair are (seated) Harold D. Beadle (left) of the "luncheon" Kiwanis Club and Edwin E. Ensign, first president of the new organization. Standing is Charles M Getson, jr., chairman of the charter banquet arrangements for the "dinner" Kiwanians.
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