Peter Boychuck - Bricklayer Apprentice National Competitor, May 1950

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 5, 1950
Peter Boychuck, 24, of 1790 E. Joy Rd., who will compete tomorrow in national bricklaying apprentice competitions in Philadelphia, is shown as he warmed up for the contest at work this week. Boychuck is described by local bricklayers' union officials as "a natural." He won fifth in the recent state-wide competitions.
Ann Arbor News, May 5, 1950
Peter Boychuck, 24, of 1790 E. Joy Rd., who will compete tomorrow in national bricklaying apprentice competitions in Philadelphia, is shown as he warmed up for the contest at work this week. Boychuck is described by local bricklayers' union officials as "a natural." He won fifth in the recent state-wide competitions.
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