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Author Talk | The Ones Who Remember: Second-Generation Voices of the Holocaust


Wednesday June 1, 2022: 6:00pm to 7:30pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room


Join contributors Rita Benn, Natalie L. Iglewicz, and Nancy Szabo for a reading and discussion of The Ones Who Remember: Second-Generation Voices of the Holocaust, an anthology written by the adult children of Holocaust survivors -- this is the new voice in the Holocaust  story as we are quickly losing the survivors due to the passing of years. 

How do you talk about and make sense of your life when you grew up with parents who survived the most unimaginable horrors of family separation, systematic murder, and unending encounters of inhumanity? This anthology reveals the challenges and gifts of living with the aftermath of their parents' inconceivable experiences during the Holocaust. 

The authors are all members of Temple Beth Emeth on Packard Avenue. Four of the participants have taken the lead as editors and they are Rita Benn, Julie Goldstein Ellis, Joy Wolfe Ensor, and Ruth Wade (Ruth presently lives in Florida but still has strong AA roots) and the introduction was written by Irene Butter. 

The book was edited by local writer and editor, Polly Rosenwaike and it's been published by City Point Press with distribution by Simon & Schuster. 

This event includes a signing with books for sale.  

Rita Benn, PhD, raised in Montrealis a clinical psychologist and adjunct faculty at the University of Michigan in Integrative Family Medicine. She has been involved in teaching and advancing the science of mindfulness meditation for over 20 years, most recently establishing a non-profit, the Michigan Collaborative for Mindfulness in Education (MC4ME), to bring this practice to k-12 education.

Natalie L. Iglewicz was raised in suburban Detroit and received degrees from the University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and Wayne State University.  Natalie recently retired as an educator after teaching for thirty-eight years.

Nancy Szabo is a teacher, artist, and poet who grew up in Rockville, Maryland. Nancy received her BA from Wesleyan University, MS in Public Health from Harvard, and MA in Teaching from Johns Hopkins.

Author Talk | The Ones Who Remember



My parents survived the horrors, including the brutal murder of their parents (my grandparents) and other relatives. It's good that you're allowing the space and time to tell the stories of our parents through the voices of their children.