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Lego Eggo

Oh no! The Legos are a mess again, and something tiny that shouldn't be there is... well... there! The name of the item that isn't a Lego is your code! Here is a rhyming hint:

"What the dickens?

It's a tiny rubber *******"

A pile of Legos with a tiny chicken hidden


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I entered the code and it said the code was redeemed but I haven't received the badge, saying I haven't found the code?

It looks like maybe there was a delay or a weird glitch on here, but I can see the badge on your player page now. Let us know if you have any other problems, and thanks for playing!

Hint: It doesn't really rhyme with Dickens, and it's something that calls when you squeeze it, normally. But this one is so tiny, I don't really think that it even makes a peep when squeezed! (Need another hint? It's yellow, and lying next to a wheel with a blue base!)

Badge Series
Last Lego of the Journey 2022


⭐️ Standard 1 of out 4 difficulty

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