AADL Board Meeting - July 25, 2022
When: July 25, 2022 at Downtown Library
This meeting will be streamed on this page at 7:00 PM on Monday, July 25th, 2022. You can attend this meeting in person on the 4th floor of the Downtown Library, or you can watch it live on YouTube from this page. If you wish to make a public comment at this meeting, you can send your comment, along with your name and address, via email to ask@aadl.org. It will be read during the public comment section of the meeting. To sign up to make a public comment to the board in person during the meeting, email wilsonk@aadl.org or call 734-327-8311, or just show up for the public comment times at the beginning or end of the meeting, and fill out a comment form. If you watch the meeting live on YouTube, you can make a comment in the YouTube chat, and it will be read at the end of the meeting. We will also accept video comments of up to 3 minutes emailed to ask@aadl.org, or voicemail message at 734-327-4245, and they will be played during the meeting. Please include your name and address in your comment. If you need any assistance participating or to make a comment, please email us at ask@aadl.org or call 734-327-4245. For more information, see aadl.org/aboutus/board.
July 25, 2022 at Downtown Library
Length: 01:39:50
Copyright: Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike)
Rights Held by: Ann Arbor District Library
AADL Board Meeting