Kingsley Farm Hen House Destroyed By Fire, February 1947

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 7, 1947
BLAZE KILLS 125 PRIME EGG-LAYERS: Laying hens - 125 of them, valued at $375 - were destroyed this morning when flames leveled a large chickenhouse on the Kingsley farm, three and a half miles south of South Lyon on the Dixboro Rd. Prompt action by South Lyon firemen saved adjacent buildings from the wind-fanned blaze. Origin of the fire was not determined, but defective wiring was thought to have been a possible cause.
Ann Arbor News, February 7, 1947
BLAZE KILLS 125 PRIME EGG-LAYERS: Laying hens - 125 of them, valued at $375 - were destroyed this morning when flames leveled a large chickenhouse on the Kingsley farm, three and a half miles south of South Lyon on the Dixboro Rd. Prompt action by South Lyon firemen saved adjacent buildings from the wind-fanned blaze. Origin of the fire was not determined, but defective wiring was thought to have been a possible cause.
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