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Emerging Writers Workshop | Reading Like a Writer


Monday October 2, 2023: 6:30pm to 7:45pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Westgate Branch: West Side Room

For Whom



Did you ever read a book and wonder how the author wrote it? There are valuable writing lessons to be learned from reading our favorite novels. In this workshop, Alex Kourvo and Bethany Neal will share the secrets of reading like a writer by looking into character, decoding plot, and understanding why writers make the choices they do.

This event is part of the monthly Emerging Writers Workshops, which offer support, learning, and advice for local authors. Each month, two weeks after the workshop, there is a meet-up where the instructors are available to review samples of your work and offer advice and assistance in a casual, supportive atmosphere.

Do you have a completed manuscript? Consider submitting it to the library's imprint Fifth Avenue Press.