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Lessons for the Future, Lessons from the Past with Japanese Internment Camp Survivor Mary Kamidoi


Monday May 15, 2023: 6:30pm to 7:30pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room


Join Japanese American internment camp survivor Mary Kamidoi as she recounts growing up in an internment camp and the anti-Asian discrimination she experienced through the decades. Mary Kamidoi used to work for the Ford Motor Company and was the Treasurer for the Japanese American Citizens League in Detroit and is today an active speaker and storyteller, drawing parallels from her life experiences with the current situation today of a rise in Anti-Asian hate and xenophobia, and inhumane treatment of refugees and migrants on our southern border. 

This event is hosted by Chien-An Yuan of IS/LAND.

This event is in partnership with AAPI performance collaborative IS/LAND, Detroit Public Television, and Rising Voices. This event is part of a series leading up to the performance of Kizuna Tree on May 20th.