MeLCat will be performing system updates starting February 10th, and during the week there may be outages in requesting and renewing MeL materials. Thank you for your patience!
The Kids Area of the Downtown Library is closed for reorganization & renovations that will last up to 8 weeks. Storytimes, a small selection of kids' books, and a play area are available in the Lobby. More info here.
Fifth Avenue Press is always accepting submissions.
What are the guidelines?
Since Fifth Avenue Press publishes based solely on what is submitted, we are open to reviewing almost anything. We hope to elevate voices that might not otherwise get heard in the world of for-profit publishing.
What type of manuscripts will Fifth Avenue Press review?
- Works written for any age group or audience
- Fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, prose, poetry, etc. for children, teens, and adults are all welcome.
- Genres: romance, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, mystery, humor, etc.
- Non-fiction: biography, memoirs, cookbooks, art, and history.
- Picture books, comics, graphic novels, and other visually-oriented work
- Plays - for stage and screen
Are there any limits to what Fifth Avenue Press can publish?
As a publicly funded institution, we are unable to publish religious books. Complex, academic non-fiction manuscripts that require extensive fact-checking are beyond our scope. We publish manuscripts by authors who live in Washtenaw County or books about anything within Washtenaw County.
How long will it take to get a response after submitting a manuscript?
When you submit your manuscript to the press, you will receive an automated email reply indicating receipt of your submission. The team meets monthly, and you will generally receive a "yes," "no," or "we’re investigating" from us via email within 2–8 weeks of the submission date.
Ready to submit?
Please note that you must be logged in to our website to access the submission form. If you do not have an account with us, please create one using this form. An AADL library card is not required to create an account and submit.