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Emerging Writers Workshop | Young Adult and Middle-Grade Fiction Panel


Monday April 1, 2024: 6:30pm to 7:45pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Westgate Branch: West Side Room


Books for teen and pre-teen readers have never been more popular, and many adults enjoy reading them too. But what makes a YA or Middle Grade book special? And how do authors know what age group they are writing for? In this workshop, Alex Kourvo and Bethany Neal will be joined by authors Andrea Hannah, Jim C. Hines, and Meriam Metoui for a panel discussion about writing and publishing books for younger readers.

This event is part of the monthly Emerging Writers Workshops, which offer support, learning, and advice for local authors. Each month, two weeks after the workshop, there is a meet-up where the instructors are available to review samples of your work and offer advice and assistance in a casual, supportive atmosphere.

Do you have a completed manuscript? Consider submitting it to the library's imprint Fifth Avenue Press.