Petty Officer Charles Albert Virant & Sgt. John F. Bartek Share War Stories, February 1943

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
EXCHANGE NOTES ON RAFT EXPERIENCES: Petty Officer Charles Albert Virant (left) and Sgt. John F. Bartek (right) got together for a few minutes in the Allenel hotel to exchange notes on their experiences adrift in the ocean on rafts. Virant, a U. S. Navy gunner on a merchant ship, spent 17 days on a raft in the South Atlantic after his ship was torpedoed. Bartek, who was with Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, lived 22 days on a raft in the Pacific. They will tell of their trips by raft, during the Army's program in Hill auditorium tonight.
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
EXCHANGE NOTES ON RAFT EXPERIENCES: Petty Officer Charles Albert Virant (left) and Sgt. John F. Bartek (right) got together for a few minutes in the Allenel hotel to exchange notes on their experiences adrift in the ocean on rafts. Virant, a U. S. Navy gunner on a merchant ship, spent 17 days on a raft in the South Atlantic after his ship was torpedoed. Bartek, who was with Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, lived 22 days on a raft in the Pacific. They will tell of their trips by raft, during the Army's program in Hill auditorium tonight.
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