Culinary Historians | Detroit's 1910 Kosher Meat Riot
Sunday May 19, 2024: 4:00pm to 5:30pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room
Due to an ongoing national monopoly on beef, in May 1910 Detroit’s kosher meat prices jumped 250%. To feed their families amid rapid inflation, working-class Orthodox Jewish women fought back, organizing boycotts and even opening co-op markets to feed the community. Riots sometimes erupted when they targeted people breaking their boycott. In this lecture, historian Catherine Cangany recovers a forgotten moment in Michigan’s culinary past.
Catherine Cangany, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. Previously, she was a tenured associate professor of history at the University of Notre Dame. She holds a doctorate in history from the University of Michigan and is the author of Frontier Seaport: Detroit’s Transformation into an Atlantic Entrepôt (University of Chicago Press, 2014).
This event is in partnership with the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor.
Library Event
Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room
Food & Cooking
Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor