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The Sound of Music from Taiwan's Hengchun Peninsula


Saturday April 27, 2024: 2:00pm to 5:00pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: 1st Floor Lobby

For Whom

Grade 3–Adult


Join us for a celebration of Taiwanese art and folk music!

AADL welcomes musicians from the Sisalgarden Urban-Rural Educational Development Association of Pingtung County, Taiwan, who will perform passages from the musical, The Chants of Motherland Sagas.

Following the performance, the audience will be treated to a lecture on the Yueqin instrument in folk music and a musical instrument demonstration.

At this event, the Michigan Taiwanese Organization will also present the generous gift of Lunar New Year prints to AADL for exhibition and circulation in our art print collection.

This event is in partnership with the Michigan Taiwanese American Association.