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Make Music Ann Arbor | DIY Instrument Making


Friday June 21, 2024: 12:00pm to 4:00pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: Secret Lab

For Whom

Grade K–Adult


Join us for a drop-in session and make your choice of musical instrument. Please note the time commitment for each instrument as they will take they whole time to complete.

DIY Harmonica - Grade K–Adult - half hour from start to finish. Create a small harmonica with everyday items.

Breadboard Electric Piano - Grade 3 –Adult - 1.5 hours from start to finish. Using a breadboard create a digital piano using electronic components and simple directions.

Build a Square Wave Oscillator - Teen and Adult - 2.5 hours from start to finish. Practice your soldering and electronics skills by creating a square wave generator, one of the basic building blocks of analog synthesizers. Soldering required.

This event is part of Make Music Ann Arbor

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