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Dinnertime at the End of the World

Ouroboros is a symbol of eternal death and rebirth, depicted as a dragon or snake eating its own tail. It’s a sort of reptilian phoenix or self-licking ice cream cone, but with much older origins. [To earn this badge, do a general catalog search for the word or words in all capitals.]

This badge has been awarded to 1499 players

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So what if I'm not a completist on this category. The badges aren't the coolest-looking anyway.

Hi Lisa -- it's up to you whether or not you want to complete these badges, but if you decide to DO, for this badge, you just need to do a catalog search for the word in the clue that is in ALL-CAPS and your code will be in one of the first ten results! Thanks for playing!

Badge Series
All Fired Up

Badge Tags
AADL Catalog
All Ages


⭐️ Standard 1 of out 4 difficulty

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