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Party People

LocAAtion, locAAtion, locAAtion!!! In honor of Ann Arbor's bicentennial, this badge series focuses on some of the past and present landmarks that makes Ann Arbor...well, ANN ARBOR!! Summer Game artist Mario Zucca created a brilliant map of the city we all love but may not fully know...YET! 

In the 1960s and beyond, there was a small group of young people in Ann Arbor DETERMINED to make a difference in their local and global community EVEN IF it meant stepping away from how things were USUALLY DONE. Let's learn about the White Panther Party (and earn some points along the way). Like the badge tag says, this one isn't really for kids! As with much of history, some content that appears when doing searches for this badge may not be the perfect match for younger players!

This badge has been awarded to 651 players

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From the "Freeing John Sinclair" page in the archives, I was trying to listen to the interview with Gary Grimshaw, but it told me I'm not authorized access to that page. Then when I tried to click on the link to listen to the interview with Damon J Keith, it told me that the page is not found. :(

Badge Series
Mapping Ann Arbor (Super Tricky)

Badge Tags
Not Really For Kids
AADL Catalog


⭐️⭐️⭐️ Super Tricky 3 of out 4 difficulty

Badge Points

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