Drama Season's "Lady in the Dark" cast arrives at Willow Run Airport, May 1957
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 6, 1957
MUSICAL COMEDY STARS ARRIVE: Some of the members of the cast of "Lady in the Dark," arrived at Willow Run Airport yesterday to begin a week of rehearsals before opening at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater May 13, in the first of five Drama Season productions. The plyers were welcomed by Ronald Muchnick (right), News Theater writer.
Ann Arbor News, May 6, 1957
MUSICAL COMEDY STARS ARRIVE: Some of the members of the cast of "Lady in the Dark," arrived at Willow Run Airport yesterday to begin a week of rehearsals before opening at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater May 13, in the first of five Drama Season productions. The plyers were welcomed by Ronald Muchnick (right), News Theater writer.
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