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Ding! Ding! Ding!

In the immortal words of the Lord of the (other) Ring, “the road goes ever on.” It applies equally to the lords of the square ring. Although we have come to the end of the Summer Game wrestling badges, wrestling will always be with us. Enjoy this far-flung look at wrestling’s influence: past, present, and future. [To earn this badge, do a general catalog search for the answer to each question. For example, for the question “What was the wrestler that Peter Parker fought in Amazing Fantasy 15?”, you would do a general catalog search for “Crusher Hogan.” Some questions will require an internet search.]

This badge has been awarded to 462 players

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When I entered the answer to the first clue in the catalog search, it did not return the code-bearing catalog item. I figured it out by other means, but that's not fun.

Hmmm, I just gave it another try, and when you search for the answer, the code DOES appear within the first ten results (actually, in this case, it's in the FIRST result). That makes me think you might not have the correct answer. Since you FOUND the code, you may not care, but if you'd like to find out the answer, fill out the form at and choose summer game, and we'll respond with details! Thanks for playing!!!

Hi there! You are searching for the wrong name! You want to look for the musical director of the short "Bunny Hugged"! The last name starts with an S!
That should get you back on track! Good luck and thanks for playing!!

Badge Series
Saved by the Bell

Badge Tags
AADL Catalog
Web Search


⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

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