A2 Vision Zero
Ann Arbor’s streets and transportation system are vital to getting around our city day-to-day and make the city a fantastic place to live, work, and play. Ensuring transportation can function requires a lot of long-term planning, and the City of Ann Arbor's comprehensive plan does just that! But most important of all, it lays out goals, so Ann Arbor can become an even better place to live. Their Vision Zero initiative centers environmentally-conscious practices, so we can give back to Mother Nature and stop polluting the planet. The City of Ann Arbor also values personal safety, which can be seen all throughout our beautiful city.
Earn Summer Game points and learn more about how the Ann Arbor is a safe and sustainable place to live by visiting their website. There, you can read about 22 different mobility strategies in the long-term, comprehensive plan. These strategies not only improve the movement of everyday people, but ensure we all remain healthy, safe, green, and most important of all, conscious of our neighbors!
The Mobility Values shown below were created with widespread community support.
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