A Streetcar Named Ann Arbor
LocAAtion, locAAtion, locAAtion!!! In honor of Ann Arbor's bicentennial, this badge series focuses on some of the past and present landmarks that makes Ann Arbor...well, ANN ARBOR!! Summer Game artist Mario Zucca created a brilliant map of the city we all love but may not fully know...YET!
Did you know that Ann Arbor had an electric streetcar system from 1890 to 1925? Hop aboard and let's find out more!
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Badge Series
Mapping Ann Arbor (Standard)
Badge Tags
AADL Catalog
⭐️ Standard
1 of out 4 difficulty
Badge Points
Such a bummer that we don’t…
Such a bummer that we don’t have this system still in place.
The fact that the first…
The fact that the first interurban route was so U of M gentlemen could date women studying at what would be EMU is amusing me far too much. People starting not a love train, but a love streetcar.