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Exhibit | Finding Grace: Rediscovering the life and contributions of social reformer Grace Bagley (1860-1944)


Friday September 20, 2024: 10:00am to Sunday October 27, 2024: 8:00pm


Downtown Library: 3rd Floor Exhibit


Grace Bagley (1860-1944) made extraordinary contributions to American civic life, including pioneering reforms in juvenile justice, early education, housing for the disadvantaged, and women's suffrage.

Grace’s achievements were all but forgotten until Julia Bachrach and Jean Follett rediscovered her story while researching the history of the Bagley House, an important early work by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Grace Bagley worked first in Illinois and later in Massachusetts. Her life of service included landmark reforms in childcare and education, juvenile justice, housing, immigration, and women's suffrage. Her efforts helped to build the framework of American civic life through reforms like the ‘Child’s Bill of Rights’ and the 19th Amendment giving American women the right to vote.

The Bagleys have a special connection to Detroit through Frederick's uncle John Judson Bagley (1832- 1881) who was the 16th governor of Michigan. Frances Bagley (Newbury), wife of John J Bagley, and an important reformer in her own right. Frances Bagley was the founder and president of the Women's Hospital in Detroit, MI and Vice President of the Board of Lady Managers for the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893.