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Snooper Snearch

It's the final puzzle of Summer Game 2024; some have called it GALA QUEST. 

Attend the Game Over Gala on Sunday , August 25th from 2-4 PM to pick up a puzzle sheet. Visit all 5 floors of the downtown library to find the words on 10 YELLOW sheets. Remove those words from your puzzle sheet, and what's left is the final code of Summer Game 2024!


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I have lived in A2 for 13 years and this was my first year doing the summer game. I used to think it was only for kids. This is one of the most fun summers I have ever had playing this game! I wish you had a winter game too because now I have no idea what to do with all my free time! Thanks for putting this together!

Thanks so much for playing! There are definitely more adults than kids playing the Summer Game, so you're not alone! We did do a Winter Game back during the early pandemic, but we don't plan to bring it back this winter. Instead... stay tuned for BYTE CLUB!

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⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

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