LOCATION CHANGE Tips, Tricks, Techniques, Tales, Threats, Tragedies, and Triumphs from the Draplin Design Co.
Thursday February 13, 2025: 12:30pm to 2:00pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room
This event has been moved to the 1st Floor Lobby.
Get the inside scoop with Aaron Draplin, Founder of Field Notes, and learn what goes on behind the scenes at the Draplin Design Co.! He’ll give an in-depth walk through existing projects and answer questions in an intimate setting. He'll show you the finer points of his logo making process, from sketch to iterations to finalizing. Feel the power of pencil on paper! Unlock something in your hands and mind and watch it come to life in the moment! Adobe Illustrator tips, tricks and techniques will be offered up. His methods, momentum and mania in a fun, loose setting. Questions answered. Riddles solved. Enigmas discussed.
Aaron Draplin of the Draplin Design Co. lives and works in Portland, Oregon. He makes stuff for rock bands, comedians, restaurants, festivals and leftie politicians. He’s traveled the world telling his story, with over 550 speaking fiascos under his belt. He co-created Field Notes memo books with Jim Coudal, selling their products worldwide. His eight Skillshare classes are raging along, teaching design enthusiasts of all ages. He recently launched DDC Fonts showcasing his three typefaces. His first book titled “Pretty Much Everything” came out on May 17, 2016 on Abrams Books, and incredibly is in its 12th printing. The DDC merch roster is up to 380 products! You’ll see them at DDC merch tables from coast to coast or in his online shop. He owes it all to his parents. Really.
Draplin will also be giving a talk the same evening.

The Library will be providing a live stream of this event and we intend to make it available for future viewing. A video player will appear on this page 1 hour before the start of the event.

Library Event
Downtown Library: 1st Floor Lobby