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AADL Welcomes: Communities Talk | Exploring Cannabis Trends in Ann Arbor: A Bicentennial Journey Through Culture, Social Justice, and Wellness


Wednesday November 20, 2024: 5:30pm to 7:00pm  Add to Calendar /   Add to Google Calendar


Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room


Join us for an interactive event on the history, benefits, challenges, and misconceptions about cannabis with experts in the field.

Whether you're curious about historical trends, the latest research, health and wellness, or policy implications, this event invites all to explore the complex and evolving world of cannabis.

Featured Speakers:

Erin Bonar, PhD., Department of Psychiatry and Addicition Center

Chris Frank, MD, PhD., University Health & Counseling, U-M

Joan Lowenstein, Attorney (retired), Former Ann Arbor city Council Member

This event is offered in partnership with Ann Arbor Campus Community Coalition (A2C3).