Dr. Russell C. Hussey Visits The Prehistoric Animal Display At Abbot Elementary School, March 1963

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 15, 1963
DINOSAURS 'LIVE' AGAIN: Dr. Russell C. Hussey, professor emeritus of geology at the University, is visiting schools to lecture on prehistoric animals. Above, Dr. Hussey and (from left) Claudia Johnson, Alan Jordan and David Bonnewell, students at T. C. Abbot Elementary School, admire a display on prehistoric animals done by the students at the school in connection with Dr. Hussey's appearance there.
Ann Arbor News, March 15, 1963
DINOSAURS 'LIVE' AGAIN: Dr. Russell C. Hussey, professor emeritus of geology at the University, is visiting schools to lecture on prehistoric animals. Above, Dr. Hussey and (from left) Claudia Johnson, Alan Jordan and David Bonnewell, students at T. C. Abbot Elementary School, admire a display on prehistoric animals done by the students at the school in connection with Dr. Hussey's appearance there.
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