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Request for Proposals for Audit Services

by eli

The Board of Trustees of Ann Arbor District Library, hereinafter called “AADL,” invites qualified independent Auditors, hereinafter called “Auditor,” having sufficient government and auditing experience in performing an audit in accordance with the specifications outlined in this Request for Proposal (RFP) to submit a proposal.

There is no expressed or implied obligation for AADL to reimburse firms for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.

The specific details shown herein shall be considered minimum unless otherwise shown. The specifications, terms, and conditions included with this RFP shall govern in any resulting contract(s) unless approved otherwise in writing by AADL.

Description of Ann Arbor District Library

AADL is a governmental nonprofit organization with 501(c) 3 tax status serving most of the Ann Arbor Public Schools district. AADL was established by agreement between the Ann Arbor Public Schools and the City of Ann Arbor in 1995. AADL is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees elected at large.

For more information and a description of our major programs and services, visit our web site at

The administrative office of AADL is located at 343 S. Fifth Ave. in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Services to be performed

Your proposal is expected to cover the following services:

  1. Annual financial and internal control audit
  2. Completion and filing of the agency 990 tax return
  3. File or assist in filing extensions associated with the 990 tax return and/or 5500 filing, if needed

Type of Audits

Annual Financial and Compliance

The audit will encompass a financial and compliance examination of AADL’s basic financial statements, supplementary information, and internal controls in accordance with the laws and/or regulations of the State of Michigan and the requirements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The financial audit will cover state and local funding sources in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.


AADL intends to continue the relationship with the Auditor for no less than three years based on performance. AADL reserves the right to request proposals at any time following the first year of this contract, should the Auditor not meet the terms of the contract.

July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026
July 1, 2026 to June 30, 2027


The Auditor will be responsible for the preparation, proofing, printing, and copying of the Financial Statements and supplementary information. The Auditor will submit a draft of the Financial Statements to be reviewed in detail to AADL. This draft should be submitted in time to allow ample review and corrections.

AADL will expect a listing of requested information needed for the audit from the selected firm during prior to the audit providing finance staff with ample time to accommodate those requests. Updates to that list may be made periodically while the audit is being conducted.

The working papers prepared and/or used by the Auditor shall be retained and made available upon request for no less than three years from the date of the audit report.

In the event that circumstances arise during the audit that requires work to be performed in excess of the original estimates, any additional costs will be negotiated prior to commencement of the work and an amended contract will be provided to AADL.

Annual Financial and Compliance Audit Specific Requirements

A preliminary draft of the audit must be submitted to AADL with ample time for review prior to the September Board meeting traditionally held on the fourth Monday of the month.

The final audit report is due to AADL no later than the third Monday of the month of September.

An electronic version and ten hard copies of the audit report and management letter must be supplied to the Library Director within the period cited above.

Other Services

A presentation to the AADL Board of Trustees and Finance Committee is required and will be scheduled.

Description of Selection Process

The firm best meeting AADL’s expectations for experience, audit approach, and cost requirements will be selected.

AADL requests that no member of the governing board be contacted during this process. The Library Director or Finance Manager may be contacted via email at or, respectively, to clarify questions concerning the RFP.

AADL reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and to be the sole judge of suitability of the services for its intended use and further specifically reserve the right to make the award in the best interest of AADL.

Failure to respond to any requirements outlined in the RFP, or failure to enclose copies of the required documents, may disqualify the bid.

Proposal Requirements

  1. Provide a list of the firm’s current and prior government and/or library audit clients, indicating the type(s) of services performed and the number of years served for each.
  2. Provide a copy of the firm’s current peer review.
  3. Describe the relevant educational background of each person assigned to the audit. This should include seminars and courses attended within the past three years, especially those courses in governmental accounting and auditing.
  4. Describe the professional experience of assigned individuals in auditing relevant government organizations, programs, activities, or functions.
  5. Provide company name, address, a contact person, and telephone number of at least three, current or prior, nonprofit audit clients who may be contacted for a reference.
  6. Describe any regulatory action taken by any oversight body against the proposing audit organization.
  7. Proposals should include completed cost estimate sheets and any other necessary cost information.
  8. Organization of the audit team and the approximate percentage of time spent on the audit by each member.
  9. Assistance expected from AADL’s staff, if other than outlined in the RFP.
  10. Tentative schedule for completing the audit within the specified deadlines of the RFP.
  11. Specify cost for each audit year beginning with the audit year ending June 30, 2025. The costs provided will be binding,
  12. Please make AADL aware of any of the following ownership status of the firm.
    1. Minority-owned
    2. Women-owned
    3. Locally-owned

Please list any other information the firm may wish to provide.

Time Schedule for Awarding the Contract

Proposals signed by authorized officials will be accepted via email at until January 31, 2025 at 5:00pm. Subject line should read “Response to RFP – Auditing Services”.

AADL’s Finance Committee will review the proposals and make a recommendation to AADL’s Board of Trustees on or before February 28, 2025 at which time the contract will be awarded. Notification of the award will be emailed within five business days.

Thank you,

Eli Neiburger
Ann Arbor District Library

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RFP for Audit Services

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