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Red Hot Witchy Read

by erin

Red is For Remembrance by Laurie Faria Stolarz is the latest in her wicked new series. Laurie's stories blend suspense, romance, and the art of keeping secrets - with spicy doses of teen witchcraft and magic">spells">magic. Be sure to start with Blue is for Nightmares, followed by White is for Magic and Silver is for Secrets. A perfect way to get into the witchy season ahead...


How did this get on,
[img_assist|fid=123|thumb=1|alt=Black Shark Clan]

Let My People Go!

In reply to by California Love

Guh. Come on guys, it's the axis blog, not the aadl-gt blog. If you'd like to talk about aadl-gt, you can do it in a post <a href="; title="I tried to create for your convenience, but I would need to get john to make a change to make it work.">tagged AADL-GT</a>. Here, you could talk about [t:Laurie Faria Stolarz]. Just a suggestion.

Sorry to rain on the parade guys... We'll be posting on all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with GT :) - *but* maybe you guys know some cute girls into witchcraft? Could be a good conversation starter...

Good Morrow!
Eli, <em>WHY ON EARTH</em> is 'Taxonomy' part of the URL? Is that, by any chance, a commentary?

Good Day!
-----Pickwick the Second-----

Anti Snowman, I just want to thank you for the service you provide. It's really helpful to chase your attempts at a 'last post' around the site. It helps me remember to close the outdated threads. =)

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