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What kind of RPS player are you?

by K.C.

Wondering what kind of rock paper scissors player you are? Check out the profiler quiz from the World RPS Society. Don't forget to start practicing for AADL's RPS tournament on October 29th in the Multipurpose room Downtown.


i can't belive the have an actua league for this thing. anyone can beat anyone. are there prizes for the RPS tournament?
[img_assist|fid=97|thumb=1|alt=Trouble Monkey Clan|caption=Logo for the AADL-GT Trouble Monkey Clan.]

im a spiritual...i didnt understand some of the stuff.
[img_assist|fid=97|thumb=1|alt=Trouble Monkey Clan|caption=Logo for the AADL-GT Trouble Monkey Clan.]

yea i just found spirtul and logical and i just decided i am more spritul and logical than aggressive when playing rps

P.S. This tornament reminds me of the duels in suikoden 3

In reply to by TheKoolAidGuy

Good Morrow!
It sounds as though it would have been highly entertaining. Who went, and who won?
Good Day!
------------Pickwick the Second, MP---------------

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