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City Planners Defer Action On Moderate Homes Land

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Action on tfte Arabelle Wag ner Corp. annexation and zon ing petitions for a 135-acre plo of land situated at 1-94 and Lib erty Rd. was delayed again a the regular meeting of the Cit Planning Commission last nigh: The Corporation is seeking t use the undeveloped plot of land in Scio Township to build moderately priced one-family dwellings in the range of $23,000 to $23,000. Scio Township Planning Commission Chairman Lewis York was at the meeting to object to the proposed annexation because the action would créate a township island east of 1-94. He termed this the most critical objection because it would in crease difficulties of service for the township and furthermore might be unconstitutional. Planning Commission Director Raymond Martin reminded those present that there are more than 60 islands already in the city. The planning staff had recommended approval. Commission Member Robert Faber said he didn't think the commission could act until the land use plan was studied further and more of the particulars could be discussed. A motion was passed to table the item for two weeks until the city commission could meet with the Scio commission. Martin reminded the commission members that unless action was taken soon Kaufman and Broad, the contractors for the proposed project, could not begin work until the next 1 mg setson. This proposed 1 erate cost housing will f il] a defmite void in the Ann Arbor housing supply, he said. In other action, the American Lutheran Church annexation and I zoning petitions for 2.89 acres at Packard, Colony and Kim)erly Rds. was approved as was he Pine Alpine Offices site plan of 1.76 acres on Packard Rd. south of Pine Valley Blvd. Tabled was the Kelsey-Hayes área and site plans for a 40acre site on Green Rd. north of I Plymouth Rd. Defeated was a motion to J prove the Sun Oil site plan for 1 1.01 acres at Jackson Ave. and 1 1-94. I AIso approved were the 1 vin L. Knox annexation and I zomng petitions for a one-acre I site on Kuehnle Ave. and 1 ter Rd.; and the Chapel Hill I Townhouse Phase B Site plan I for 19.44 acres on Green Rd I north of Plymouth Rd. S Also deferred was the 1 ng Construction Co. site plan I r 6.69 acres on S. Industrial! íghway south of Jewett 1